• “Yeah it’s the dance!” Nick said out loud. He was always dancing and this is what he does. At the dance they played a lot of songs even a techno song it was cool. During the slow songs Debbie and Nick, Venny and me, Leslie and Max, Isabel and Sam, and a lot more of my friends were paired up. It was so romantic something out of a fairy tale you know. I even saw my sister with Zak at the dance it was weird because she was in high school. After the dance I felt guilty and depressed I didn’t want this to happen to Katie even though she is a backstabber.

    Later all my friends including Venny, Sal, and Nick came to my house to hang out. We were all talking about what Preston was going to do with Katie at the rave. It was so sad and I wished I could have stopped this. Venny and all the guys went outside to show off their skater moves and to impress us. It was fun until I got a text from Katie. “Hey everyone I need your attention I got a text from Katie. It says that she needs me to come and get her from the rave because everyone even Preston was drunk- Oh my God!” I said. “Hey Iris get your sister to drive you to his house to get Katie I’ll come too” Venny said. The front door opened and Janna came out she had heard everything while waiting for her friend to come over. “Umm Hey I heard everything I would be grateful to help I mean it is dangerous” she said. Janna was never a caring person and I was surprised about everything.

    When got to the house I found Katie sitting on the curb. I had bet that Preston was too drunk to even notice her sitting there. Katie was all bruised and it had looked like she was struggling to get away from him. She was pale white and I felt scared just like her. I ran out of the car before anyone had notice and got Katie out before there was more trouble. “Iris thank you so much thank you sooooo much you’re the best friend anyone can have “ Katie said with tears in her eyes “Its ok its all over and you don’t need to worry” I said. Then we went to my house for some cake and ice cream. That day I learned one important lesson never get to attached to something or you’ll get hurt.