The music was cranked up inside Francois car as she waited for it to warm up. It was cold in the car despite the fact the heat was cranked to full blast. Francois didn't mind much though because she knew that once it did warm up she'd be turning it down anyways. She hated to be too hot.
Andrian looked a bit lost as he walked out of the school with a bag swung over his shoulder. He didn't have a coat but that didn't really bother him, what was really on his mind was the way that Francois had left the school. He thought that he had made her happy, but he shrugged it off as a chance to try again later.
“Francois isn't going to go out with you,” Andrian knew that voice, it was from the same guy that had been trying to get him to leave her alone the whole day.
“Hello Daniel,” he grinned softly. “She is a marvelous girl and I will will not believe you until she says it herself.”
Daniel was at a loss for words as Andrian walked away and made his way to the car that he had seen Francois get into. He wasn't going to ask her for a ride, just tell her to have a good evening and that he was looking forward to talking to her tomorrow.
Francois looked into her review mirror and spotted Andrian coming her way. Her lips turned down in a small frown because if he kept being so persistent she'd have a very hard time turning him down over and over again. She might have been a tough girl but she wasn't heartless.
She looked down from the mirror, resting her forehead against the steering wheel and closed her eyes. Perhaps he just wanted a ride or something. That wouldn't be too bad. Would it?
No it wouldn't be bad at all. A soft smile touched her lips for a moment and then she thought about bringing him home to meet her uncle, imagining her uncles reaction. Now that would be a truly amusing situation, however, it wouldn't last long. No doubt her psychotic uncle would fly off the handle. He probably even think Andrian was Vietnamese or something.
Her uncle had been in the Vietnam war and had acquired psychological issues. He seen enemies everywhere he went. At one point it had gotten so bad that her Grandfather had sent him to an institution for two years. They'd actually just released him a few month before her Grandfather had died. It was a strange coincidence that her uncle had been released and then her Grandfather had ended up dying, and if it hadn't been for the autopsy she would have even blamed her uncle, however, the autopsy showed no foul play. Everything the autopsy turned up was natural. Even so it didn't make loosing her grandfather easy. She'd been with him since she was eight.
That had been when her parents had decided to go off as missionaries and leave her with her Grandfather. They had feared for her safety but apparently not for her happiness because if it wasn't safe for her then why would it be safe for them?
Who knew really what they thought. All Francois knew was within a year her family had been murdered. Of course being a child then the details had been spared and after awhile she had stopped asking. Like her Grandfather had said it was better she didn't know. Better that she remembered them the way they had been.
Andrian knocked on her car window and after she rolled it down, he smiled softly at her and wished her a good evening. He hoped that he would have a good evening as well, but he needed to start working on completing his orders.
“See you tomorrow morning,” he said softly touching her arm before he left. Francois looked a bit down to him, he figured it was a mortal thing and would leave her to figure it all out.
It took him a short time to get from the school to the center of the town, he figured if you needed to find someone this was the place to start. This was going to be difficult, he didn't even know what the creature or person looked like. It wasn't the same problem as the last time he was sent to the mortal world.
It was supposed to be a simple search and destroy mission, and yet it turned into something that would end up changing the course of history for the mortal world. He couldn't stand having to destroy or even change a mortal, they should be able to do things on their own. The lord always liked playing with the other species, it was his species job to keep the others in line and in their own realms.
What a boring and completely pain staking job... he thought as he kicked a rock on the sidewalk. It would be a lot better if he'd been given some hint as to what his target was, because if it was a human he was going to have a hell of a time finding them.
Andrian stopped walking and clasped his hands behind his head as he looked to the sky imploringly. This was a mission he could not do alone. He needed some form of guidance and even though he was really in big trouble he couldn't stop thinking of Francois. 'His' Francois; although she didn't know it yet.
Andrian kept thinking of Francois until it got to the point that he needed to see her and ask her for her help. The first thing he needed to do was think of something he could tell her so that she wouldn't think that he was crazy. He thought it up as he kept searching for Francois car. His idea was simple, he was going to tell her that he was looking for a relative in town and needed her help.
He soon found her place and knocked on the door. Hoping that it was Francois that had opened the door, he made sure that he had his story right.
Francois heard a knock on the door and was about to head down and answer it but her uncle beat her to it. She was at the landing of the stairs when she head the door open and her uncles rough voice speaking.
“What do you want?” he said.
“Is Francois home?” a male voice asked.
“Maybe. Why is it any of your business?”
“I just need her help.”
“I'm sure you do.” Francois uncle said as he stepped out of the door. “Listen here. My niece has respect for herself and I swear if you try anything I will slit your juggler.”
Andrian smiled and nodded. Despite this mans rough edges he liked him. He was someone he could trust to keep his Francois safe. “I understand Sir.”
“Good. If I was really a good uncle I'd turn you away right now, but I trust Francois. She's a smart kid. But I suppose going through what she's gone through you have to grow up fast.”
“Quite right sir,” Andrian agreed unsure of what Francois had gone through. “May I speak with her?”
Francois' uncle looked at him again wondering how a kid like him got such manners before nodding. “She's up in her room.”
“Thank you sir,” Andrian said as he walked in
and looked up at Francois. A smile crossed his face at seeing her standing there.
Francois rolled her eyes and waved to have him follow her up to her room. She wasn't really in the mood for her uncle to listen in on their conversation. Once there Andrian didn't wait for her to say anything.
“Would you mind helping me find someone in town? It's really important and I would appreciate your help,” he looked so innocent as he asked her, his eyes on her instead of her room.
“How did you find my house?” She asked tapping her foot slightly. “Did you follow me home?”
“I wouldn't do anything of the sort. I merely found your car.”
'Great...' Francois thought as Andrian stared at her. 'He knows where I lived just by finding my car... Thats just disturbing.' She sighed, brushing a stray strand of hair out of her face.
“You know you really shouldn't do things like that. It creeps people out.” she advised as she walked over to the door and opened it to make sure her uncle wasn't spying.
“What are you looking for?” Andrian asked, concerned about her odd behavior at home.
“Sometimes he thinks he's still in the war, and he likes to spy.” she said as she closed the door; satisfied that her uncle wasn't out there.
“I see...”
“I doubt you do but it's all right. I've lived with him this long and survived. Just gotta make sure he takes his meds. Otherwise....” she trailed off and sighed heavily.
“He's supposed to take care of you and yet you take care of him?” Andrian asked. “Sorry but that just doesn't seem right.”
Francois shrugged and sighed heavily as she sat on her bed. “Gramps and I used to take care of each other, so I'm used to it. I used to do the cooking and he'd do all the cleaning. Well he never asked me to cook but he really was an awful cook.”
Andrian liked listening to Francois talk, even though he thought that she should be taken care of by her uncle not the other way around. “I'm sorry for finding you the way I did.”
Francois sighed and looked at him, “so who are we finding?”
“My cousin,” Andrian quickly made up a story that made sense. “He lives in the center of town and I'm supposed to meet him.”
“Alright, fine, I'll help you,” she figured that she might as well it did get her out of doing her homework.. “We'll take my car.”
Andrian smiled as Francois led him out to the car after saying by to her uncle and explaining that she would only be gone for a short time. He gave a bit of a fuss, but Andrian's respectful manner of speaking seemed to relax the man.
Inside the car Francois changed the CD in the player and allowed the car to warm again. She tried not to pay attention to the fact that Andrian was sitting beside her, but it was hard for her not to notice. Not only because of his out of this world gorgeous looks but because of the way he kept looking over at her.
His looks made her blush even though she wasn't looking at him directly. She swallowed hard, put the car in reverse, took a deep breath, looked out the back window, and began to back up. Sure she was nervous with him beside her but driving would give her something to concentrate on.
As they drove down the street, Andrian was feeling less like himself. He knew this mission was important, but if he completed it what would Francois think? All he could think of was telling Francois the truth, but he couldn't do that.
When they managed to reach the middle of town, he started to act like he was looking for his cousin. He knew he wasn't going to find the person, he just liked being close to Francois.
“Francois, do you believe in other worlds?” he asked, wanting to know what was going on in her mind.
“What do you mean? Like parallel universes?” she asked looking at him from the corner of her eye.
“No like angels and devils,” he tried to explain, not wanting to give away that he wasn't from the mortal world.
“Angels and devils...” she repeated as she stared at the road ahead as she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel. His question sure was odd but it made her think regardless. Did she believe in angels and devils? She sighed, her shoulders rising with it and then falling. A part of her wanted to laugh and say no but something else told her that they did exist, so after a while she nodded slowly. “I guess. I've never really given the subject much thought though.” she admitted as she turned onto the main road to town.
Andrian looked out the window trying to think of the best way to explain things. He'd have to explain it a certain way. He was lost in thought as Francois kept driving down the road, it was a bit of a way to town. It didn't bother him much that he had to use some of his power to get to her house fast.
“What was that!?” Francois blurted out as her car screeched to a stop. Her heart was racing as she looked out the windshield and toward the trees.
Andrian looked out, not sure what she had seen. It wasn't long before he noticed it. A shadowy figure was jumping from tree to tree along the side of the road. “You saw that?” he asked in a shocked tone
The shadow was what he was truly there to find, a beast that would mess with the mortals sense of things around them. How was Francois able to see it? Andrian didn't have the answer.
“Keep driving, I'll try to explain,” he spoke calmly, trying to get her to calm down. Her breathing and racing heart were making him feel like he was going to fail.
Francois took a deep breath and put her foot on the gas, doing as Andrian had said. “What the hell was that!” she demanded after a few moments. “I've never seen anything move like that, and it looked strangely human like...”
Andrian continued to look out the window feeling confused and overwhelmed. He'd found what he'd been looking for all right, but he'd never expected Francois to be able to see it. She'd seen human enough but apparently she wasn't as human as he'd first thought.
“We refer to it as the beast, and that is not it's true form. It likes to blend in just in case there are those who will be able to see it. Like you and I. It hopes that the guise of a man or women will confuse our senses enough so that we will ignore it's presence.” he said by way of explanation as his left hand clenched into a fist. “It is a very dangerous thing, Francois. If you see it again when I'm not with you I want you to run.”
“Run?” Francois said as she clenched the steering wheel a bit tighter, making her knuckles turn white. She didn't know what was going on or what the beast was but she was sure if she had to run from it she wasn't going to get very far.
She'd seen the way it jumped from branch to branch with such graceful ease. Anything that could do that would have no problem catching her. She heaved a big sigh and then swallow hard. Being friends with Andrian seemed to mean a lot more than just hanging out. First it had been a ball in her face, and now the beast. What was next?
“Are you okay?” Andrian asked when he noticed that Francois seemed a little nervous. “If your worried about the beast I promise I won't let it hurt you. I just want to make sure that you don't try to stand up against it. I....” he broke off and then looked back out the window.
“I?” Francois said and took her eyes off the road to look over at him. “I what?”
Andrian let out a sigh as he looked at Francois after a moment, even though he had just known her for that day, he wasn't about to let anything stop him from having her. “I don't want you to get hurt.” he stated simply.
Francois looked at him from the corner of her eye as she watched the beast jump gracefully out of sight. Why did Andrian care so much about her right off? “I think I can take care of myself.” she mumbled softly, appreciating Andrian's concern.
His hand went to her shoulder as he looked at her with sad eyes. He had heard so many say those exact words and fail. “Just promise me you will run if I am not there with you.”
“Prom-” the words died on her lips the car hit something solid. Francois eyes opened wide and she looked over her should to see what she'd hit. Whatever it was had had far more mass to it than some raccoon or skunk. “Oh my God!” she said in a soft whisper as she pulled the car over to the side of the road, quickly working her seat belt off.
“What was it?” he asked as he studied Francois intently. Her fear pulled at something deep inside of him and he longed to bring her comfort, however, he didn't dare. He'd already exposed too many of his feelings. He sighed heavily and got out of the car, following her lead. He watched as she walked along the side of the road and closer to the “thing” they'd hit.
“Oh No! Please No!” Francois repeated over and over again as she began to make out the shape of something that looked human.
Andrian didn't have the same expression as Francois, he's face had gone dark. The creature that Francois had hit was already slithering away, stealing shadows as it moved into the safety of the woods. Standing with his arms tight to his sides, all thoughts of his previous plan were taken over with rage. How dare the creature show itself and put her in danger?
“What was that?” Francois finally asked after watching Andrian slip into a silent in rage. He then looked over at her, and it made her wish she hadn't spoken. Andrian's eyes were of liquid fire, Francois couldn't even tell where his pupils were. His hair had even changed from the pleasing blond to the darkest shade of black she had ever seen.
“I'll kill him,” Andrian growled, Francois started to shake as he spoke. “Zarren will pay.”
Francois swallowed hard and looked down because although he hadn't been speaking to or about her, his tone still frightened her. She'd never heard him speak that that before and silently prayed that she'd never witness it again.
“Francois?” Andrain said tentatively when he noticed she was looking at the floor and shaking slightly. He didn't know why really but he assumed it was because of Zarren. “It's okay, Francois. I won't let him touch you. Your safe.”
Francois shook her head at him and sighed heavily. “That's not it.”
“Then what is it?” Andrian said as he leaned toward her, lifting her chin so he could see her face. What he seen when he was finally able to see her, however, made him wince. Francois was crying. Tears were forming in her eyes and beginning to slowly fall from her eyes, leaving behind tiny wet rivers that mixed with her makeup to form a black tinge.
Although he'd caused her distress in some way Andrian couldn't help but think she looked beautiful. Especially now that she seemed so vulnerable as the tears coursed down her face.
Pulling Francois close to him, Andrian hugged her in a protective manner. It was getting a bit late and he knew that Zarren wouldn't come near her while he was around. Francois looked at the boy she had just met that day, his eyes looked so icy cold but she could feel his affection for her. As Andrian held her close on the side of the road a fresh dusting of snow started to fall around them.
“You should get some rest,” he voice was back to that of the quiet boy from this morning that seemed so out of place.
Andrian hadn't waited for her to give him as response as he placed her in the passenger seat and started to drive back to her house. Francois felt a little strange when he had helped her out and to the door.
“I promise he won't harm you,” he said softly, looking into Francois eyes just before walking down the driveway.
She's MORTAL! You are breaking so many laws! Andrian's mind kept repeating the words he had heard so many years before. However he was determined to protect this girl and keep her for himself.
Francois awoke the next morning with a slight headache and feeling a little anxious. Of course she figured that last nights events had been nothing more than a mere dream. After all strange creatures like Zarren didn't exist. Francois laughed to herself for a moment and then jumped. She could swear she seen someone in a tree outside her window. But when she looked again it was gone.
“What the....” Francois said and then trailed off as her uncle called up to her to announce breakfast was ready.
Andrian was waiting at the front steps of the school as Francois arrived, Bow had been talking to him about some mortal thing not that he was paying attention. Once he saw Francois he smiled and pushed Bow gently to the side.
“Good morning Francois,” he tried to act like the events of the night before hadn't happened, for her sake and that of the other mortals in the town.
Bow had shot an aggressive look at Francois just before entering the school. Shrugging, Francois smiled a little warily at Andrian wondering if she should ask him about the night before.
“What was that about?” Francois asked as she watched Bow for a moment and then sighed heavily. She was still tired. “Oh well never mind. What's up?”
“Nothing. Are you all right?” Andrian asked.
“Yeah , just tired.” Francois yawned as she stretched to her full height and cracked her neck. “I just had the strangest dream last night.”
“Really? What was it about?” Andrian asked anxiously as he stared at Francois for a description to what had happened in her dream.
“I really don't know. It all seems kind of fuzzy now. You know what I mean?”
Andrian didn't really understand but he nodded. “Well maybe it will come to you later, let's go to class.”
The rest of the day seemed to wear the both of them out, by the time they arrived at lunch Andrian didn't look tired but his voice sounded it. Francois had brought him to a spot in the schools lawn where students were allowed to have lunch, though at this time of the year no one was out because of the snow.
“Andrian, I need to ask you something. Is there really a thing called Zarren?” Her voice had dropped when she had said the name like it was a curse.
Andrian swallowed when he heard her say the name, he'd hoped she would forget and he could take care of it on his own.
“Well....uh, Zarren...” Andrian had taken a bit of a defensive stance as he spoke. Something about the way Francois confronted him was sending him strong signals. Sighing he decided to tell her as much as he could.
“Zarren is my twin brother, though we aren't very alike. He's a possessive demon that likes to mess with the inner workings of the mortal world.” Francois looked at him like he was making it all up, though she remembered the way Andrian's eyes looked when Zarren got away.
“So it's true then?” she said in a tired and somewhat defeated voice. She didn't quite understand what was going on but she wasn't stupid either. She knew then and there that Andrian was more than he seemed. But why was he here? Why did he stick so closely to her?
All these thoughts whirled around in her head as she sat staring at her lunch with her lips pressed into a thin line.
“Are you all right?” Andrian asked as he put a finger under her chin and lifted her face so he could look at her.
Andrian knew that telling her about Zarren would worry her and possibly put them both in danger but she needed to know. The mortal mind was closed off to him but he could hear his brother laughing far off.
Andrian, you fool, mortals will never understand you. You're not one of them. Andrian shook his head as he let go of Francois chin. A moment of silence passed before Andrian stood to leave.
“I'm sorry Francois, I will leave you alone from now on. I found my target and there is no need for me to be here anymore.” he started to walk back to the school to finish the day but felt her hands on his.
Francois's face was down as she held onto his hand with both of hers. She seemed to be crying but he couldn't tell for sure if she was.
“You involve me in this and now your leaving!” she demanded in a tear filled voice. “I don't care that your different or that I don't understand what's going on....” she paused for a few moments trying to summon the courage to tell him how he made her feel in the short time they'd know each other.
“Andrian, I like you. You don't treat me like everyone else. Everyone else thinks I'm weird. But your different. You treat me like a person. Please, don't leave.” she said as she slowly looked up to meet his eyes, her own dark eyes shining strangely in the sunlight.
At first Andrian thought it was the tears but then he realized it was something else. His Francois was closer to him than any other mortal woman would ever be. One of her parents had been infected by a demon before her birth and had passed on some of it's traits to her. It was true she was still mortal. But she would never truly be like them either.
Andrian moved closer to her as she spoke, his heart was beating faster than it had in the longest time. “Are....Are you sure that you want me to stay with you?” He asked, his arms on her shoulders.
Francois started to nod but couldn't continue as Andrian hugged her tighter than he had the night before. His head rested on her neck as his eyes started to water. This was like a dream and he didn't want it to end. Francois arms wrapped around him, it all seemed so perfect the two of them together.
A short time passed before Andrian and Francois snapped back to reality, laughing lightly he suggested they go back in and finish the rest of the day.
“I'll see you in class.” Francois said as she brushed the remnants of her tears away and then scurried off to art. Or course when she walked through the door Bow was waiting with some particularly cruel insults. Francois ignored them as best she could as she always did but just as soon as they were starting to get real bad Andrian walked in.
He walked right past Bow to her and lifted her chin again like he had earlier. This time it wasn't to look at her. This time she felt his soft lips press against hers. Francois froze for a moment in shock but recovered as Bow shrieked.
“I knew it! Francois you're a whore!” Bow shouted as she stamped her foot and looked at Andrian fuming. Her anger soon filtered away though when she seen how Andrian was looking at her. His eyes were very cold and his hands were clenched into fist by his sides.
“You're one to talk Bow,” Andrian grinned darkly as his rage softened. “The only reason you are calling her any kind of name is because you are jealous of her.”
Andrian was just saying what he felt was right. Who wouldn't be jealous of Francois? She was beautiful and smart, and importantly to him, accepting. Bow just looked at the boy she thought she could get for herself in awe, after a moment though she stormed off.
“What's a whore?” he whispered to Francois when he was sure that Bow was away from them.
Francois licked her lips and swallowed hard. After Andrian's display she really didn't want to be explaining this to him. She was afraid that Andrian would get even more upset if he understood what Bow really had just said to her. But despite everything she found herself explaining to him nonetheless. “A whore is a girl who will sleep with anyone. Preferable for money or something she wants....” she whispered to him.
“What!” Andrian demanded, trying to keep his voice down. “But your still...” he trailed off because he realized he wasn't sure if his Francois was still pure or not. He'd just assumed she was because it was what he was used to. Young women just didn't sleep with a man unless they were married. But this world was much different than what he was used to. There were already girls in this school who were unwed and had children.
“Shhh....” Francois said hushing him as she blushed. She knew exactly what Andrian was thinking and she really didn't want to discuss her sex life with him. (even if there was no sex life to speak of)
Andrian kept his mouth shut for the rest of the class just drawing and smiling gently to Francois. If he was ever allowed to kill a mortal, Bow was going to be the one he'd want to kill. These thoughts, though dark, kept going through his mind. He could kill her to, make it look like an accident or something, he had that kind of power, but he didn't want to risk getting dragged back to his world where there was no Francois only silence and orders.
At the end of the class Francois walked with him to Chemistry, though while in the hall she kept asking him what was going on.
“This is all very strange to me,” he said as they walked in. Francois was helpful in explaining the few things that were useful when dealing with mortals, though the rumors about him and Francois already spread through the school thanks to Bow.
All the guys in the class stared at Andrian, furious that he had stolen Francois heart.
Francois as usual was oblivious to the fact that they were staring at them. She really was clueless when it came to guys but Andrian counted this as a blessing. This meant that he was the only one she cared for, and there was no competition for her. Still though he didn't like any other guy looking at her, and that is when he decided. After this was all over he would make Francois his. If he made her his wife then no one would have any say. When he departed for the other realm so would she. She would always be close to him.
This thought made him smile and he soon realized that Francois was staring at him with an odd look on her face. “What?” he asked.
“Why are you smiling like that?”
Andrian shook his head with a soft laugh, “It's nothing.” He already had set his mind to it, Francois was his and no one would ever be able to take her from him. The rest of the day went by without as much as a prank from Bow.
As Francois and Andrian were leaving the school, Andrian suddenly stopped. Seeing the confusion in Francois eyes he started to walk again though it was a slower pace.
“Andrian? Is something wrong?” Francois finally asked once they were alone again.
The whole time Andrian had been silent, like his mind had been preoccupied by something. Now he was stammering with what he wanted to say till finally he hugged Francois close and whispered that he would come back to her soon. Knowing she couldn't possibly understand the laws he was breaking just by being so close to her. Instead of hiding the way that he traveled between the worlds from her, Andrian pounded his knuckles together and in a flash of red and black ash he was gone.
Francois stood with her mouth agape as she stared at the place where Andrian had been. It wasn't possible for him to just disappear. Or was it? Francois was so unsure and after everything she'd learned recently she didn't know if she were coming or going anymore. But then she had to remind herself, the world was a big place after all and no doubt had many mysteries. Not only those mysteries that lurked deep within the deepest and darkest recess of the ocean, or even the impenetrable hearts of the rain forest. But ones that happened to exist right under their very noses.
Francois sighed and shook her head for a moment in an attempt to clear it. It didn't really work too well though. She just couldn't get herself to get over what had just occurred, and neither could she get her mind off of Andrian. He'd hugged her and not only that he'd whispered into her ear, and not a creepy whisper either. His voice had been tender and sad. Almost as if he enjoyed holding her close but regretted the fact he'd be leaving her for even a short while.
Francois laughed aloud and chewed her lower lip. What was she thinking? Andrian couldn't feel that way about her. They'd just met. Feelings like love just didn't develop over night, right? “Uh-oh.....” she said aloud as she fished her keys out of her pants pocket, and walked to her car.
- by Nightmare Zealot |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 05/31/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Andrian -Chapter Two-
- Artist: Nightmare Zealot
The story of a dark being known as Andrian and how he takes on the mortal realm to defend it. Only to meet a senior girl, Francois. Francois not only turns his world upside down with her presence but in turn he opens her eyes up to who she really is.
co-written by;
Skyfire Kirin. - Date: 05/31/2009
- Tags: andrian chapter read
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