• A girl the age of fifteen was walking down in an ally.These men wanted a girl so they could for the fun of it.They saw the fifteen year old they saw she wasn't rich but she was very beautiful.As the girl walked past them they grabbed her by the hair and dragged her by it.She was quiet and she didn't scream that bothered them.They wanted her to beg and cry yet she stayed quiet.They pulled out knives and belts and started to hit her with the belts.They were hopeing the pain would make her beg for her life.The girl stayed quiet not even a wemper escaped no tears left her eyes.They were really getting mad at the girls slince.They took the knives and started to cut her not enough to kill her just enough to hurt her yet she never cried out for she was a mute.They kept cutting her and hitting her with the belts.They were so enraged by her slince hit her with the belts harder some pulled out chains and hit her with that.She never screamed she didn't even cry.Soon they all started to use chains they used them until she died,They turned themselves in after looking at the innocent girl they brutaly killed.They were excuted for the death of the girl.