• Gasping for air as she constantly look back. She didn't know who or what it was. All she knew was to run, Some thing was chasing her and she had to get away. "NO!" Ever screamed as she reached the end of the road that ended as a cliff. Flash backs and preminisions suddenly reached her mind.
    Her mother having a seizure. Dying. Dead. Thats when she got her super-natural powers. Wittnessing her mother's death. From then on she was dead. Had no life. Taking refuge in a used-to-be-park.
    A hand, or thats what she thought it was, that reached her shoulder woke her from her dreams. Only one more thing she could do. Jump. She dived into what seemed like nothing beneath. She didn't care. She thought of nothing to live for. her memories slipped back to when she had something to live for.
    His sexy silky skin slowly rubbing against hers. His lips locked to hers and faded into bliss. She snapped back to realitly. She was still falling? She finally just let go. Let go of every thing.
    A sleek, smoothe voice called her name "Ever". No. It couldn't be. He didn't want her anymore. But something inside her told her to call out his name.
