• He noticed that Fire somtimes lingerd a little too long in some places where humans gathered. On that day she lingerd for the longest time over a young couple playing at the shore of a small lake before moving on. Marron took note of this then went in search of Karra, she too had noticed that Water would stay longer to watch the humans. The shadows formed a plan to kill the guardians and send the world into eternal darkness where shadows could be free and unbound from hiding in the dark.
    Marron went to the deepest darkness of the worlds and stayed there for a month to regain the power he had lost to the light, and hopefully freeze solid the painful desire in his chest. Meanwhile Karra stayed on earth to prepare for the plans to come. After the month was over Marron was stronger than ever, and had changed himself into a charming, young, human man and found a clearing in the forest there he called to Fire, and with each breath, and echo of her name, his long since frozen, heart began to slowly, and painfully thaw. Shaking as each moment passed without her in his sight. He called twice more, and on his third chanting of her name, he was breaking, like a autumn leaf crumpled in a fist. Fire's soft, warm aura filled the small area she looked to see what had called her, but at the sight of the demon in a human disguise, made her retreat a few steps back...