• Chapter 4: The Test
    After school, Kauri went to Cameron’s car with Carrie. They got in and Cameron explained to Carrie that he had to make a small stop for Kauri, and then he would take her home and pick her up soon. Carrie seemed a little confused, but she just accepted the fact that something else needed done.
    Once the car pulled up to Rite-Aid, Cameron handed Kauri a $10 bill, and she went in. She first made a small trip to the restroom, and then continued on her journey through the aisles, looking for the only thing she needed, yet it seemed like it was the only thing she couldn’t find. Once she found it, she grabbed a small box, and then checked out.
    She hurried back to the car, eager to know the answer. She jumped into the back seat, and Cameron took off, heading to Carrie’s house.
    “What’d you get?” Carrie questioned.
    Kauri paused, knowing she better not lie to Carrie because then Cameron would get a little upset. “Girl supplies,” she said, avoiding eye contact with Carrie.
    “So, why do you have to go to his house with that?”
    Kauri thought rapidly, trying to find the nearest loophole she could. “He never said I was going with him. He said he had to do something back at his house his mom asked him to do. Like, take care of his dogs or something because his mom was worried he would forget to do it again, so she really didn’t want you to be there while he did that, right Cameron?” she turned to him, knowing she was really pushing it. He really did forget to let the dogs out the day before, and his mom really didn’t WANT anyone there while he was supposed to do that, but she didn’t say he couldn’t, and Kauri never said she said he couldn’t.
    “Right. I did tell you that, right Carrie?” Cameron tried to keep her mind occupied so she wouldn’t find the holes.
    “You never told me your mom said I couldn’t be there while you let them out, but you did tell me about the rest,” she answered, exposing she had fallen for it. It was obvious when she used the word ‘couldn’t’ instead of what Kauri had said she said.
    They quickly changed the subject, completely avoiding lies. After they dropped her off, Cameron turned to Kauri. “How could you lie to her like that?”
    “I didn’t lie to her! I just… mislead her, that’s all.”
    “Mislead her? Now I have to drive back and forth everyday!”
    “Just tell her your mom decided she had over reacted and changed her mind, since you listened to her.”
    “You want me to lie to her?”
    “Only once. It’ll be just fine, trust me.”
    “You are a devious pregnant person. From now on, I’m buying you birth control so you aren’t this evil ever again!” Cameron joked.
    “Hey, I might not be pregnant. You don’t have proof!”
    “We will soon,” Cameron remarked as they pulled into the short, cement driveway. “Hurry. You know where the restroom is; just get it over with so I can go get Carrie. You’re wasting both of our time.”
    “Well, that’s a nice ‘Welcome to my home.’ Anyways, I planned on hurrying. Don’t forget, this is wasting my time, too,” Kauri replied, walking into the front door.
    She went down the hall and turned right at the first door she came to. She pulled out the little devise after closing the door. She looked at it carefully. “Honestly, Mr. Pregnancy Test, you have to be the most advanced thing I’ve ever peed on.” She went on it, waited about 1 minute, and then took a close look at it.
    Kauri walked out to the living room, where Cameron was, and sat on the couch. She wouldn’t take her eyes off her sock-covered feet, located on the floor. She was still holding the devise, but her grip was very loose.
    “So? What does it say?” Cameron asked her, anxious for the answer.
    Kauri looked at him with serious yet sad eyes. “Positive,” was the only word that escaped her lips before her head reassumed the position it had held seconds before.
    Cameron got up from the recliner and sat next to her on the couch. He put his arm around her shoulder. “It’ll be ok, Kauri. I’m sure nothing drastic will happen, except your stomach may expand a little. It’s not really your fault, you were raped.”
    Kauri looked at him with tears in her eyes. “No, it won’t be alright. You don’t understand. You’ve never had to deal with this, and you never will. Everyone will call me a slut without even knowing what happened. My parents might not even believe me when I tell them I was raped.” Kauri began to cry more intensely.
    Cameron wasn’t sure what to do, since his girlfriend hadn’t had a baby either. He wrapped his other arm around her, trying to comfort her as much as possible. He knew everything she had said was completely true, and he felt horrible. “Kauri, you do realize you will have to tell your parents soon. It’s not like your mom hasn’t ever been pregnant.”
    “Yea, but her mom didn’t call her a whore, and she was 6 days from being 21. Also, she had a boyfriend. None of those apply to me.” She blinked back her tears, realizing how awkward it must be for Cameron, especially since he didn’t like seeing either girls or his friends cry. She was both of those at the same time. “Ok, take me home. You and Carrie can get back to your daily routine. Also, don’t tell her, I need to. Ok?”
    “Ok. Are you sure you don’t want to stay just a little while.”
    “Yea, we need to get on with our lives. I need to tell my parents… eventually.”
    “Tell them by the end of the week, ok?”
    “Ok. I promise.”