• Am I crazy or is it just me?

    by darkpikagirl

    As I was walking deeper into the forest, I thought, ' Am I going down the right path to my goal?' When Naruto showed up, I was shocked. I didn't want to fight him, but I didn't want to go back to Konoha either. That was a 'sudden death' wish just waiting to happen. Yes, the punishment for betrayal was death or exile. Either way, I was screwed beyond belief, so I decided to fight. It was the only way.

    I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind

    There was something so pleasant about that place

    Even your emotions had an echo

    In so much space

    And when you're out there

    Without care

    Yeah, I was out of touch

    But it wasn't because I didn't know enough

    I knew too much

    At first, I had the upper hand of the battle. I had the dobe in a strangle hold before even God could blink. Then, remembered my brother's words about the Sharingan.

    'There is a way to awaken the Mangenkyo Sharingan. There's one catch: you have kill your closest friend.'

    Naruto was the closest person that I had I as not only a rival, but a good friend. You have to a crazy person to do that to such a good person such as him!

    Does that make me crazy?

    Does that make me crazy?

    Does that make me crazy?


    Basically, due to the current situation, I was said person. How ironic.

    And I hope are having the of your life

    But think twice, that's my only advice

    My mind was made up; his life ends by my hands. It was at that time Naruto figured out that I was dead set about killing him and decided to fight back. Never had I to go through the hell that happened just a while ago.

    Come on, who do you, who do, who do you think you are

    Ha ha ha bless your soul

    You really think your in control

    Damn, now I know about the TRUE power the Kyuubi no Kitsune. No wonder Itachi wanted it so bad; it's so powerful it's hard to believe that it's was sealed inside this dobe!

    Well, I think you're crazy

    Well, I think you're crazy

    Well, I think you're crazy

    Just like me

    While I was having the honor of Naruto beating the hell out of me so he could take me back, I almost thought of letting him do that. At that point, I was thinking, ' Screw death or exile! This is worse than both two put together!' However, I remembered the 'chip' on my shoulder and my Chidori, so I still had a chance. As soon we were far away from each other, I decided to end my bond with him. If I am to do this, I had to cut any ties with Konoha.

    My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb

    And all I remember is thinking,' I want to be like them'

    Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun

    And it's no coincidence I've come

    And I can die when I'm done

    I looked down at Naruto's still form lying on the ground not long before coughing up blood. I forgot about the pains about exposing the 'mark'. I felt rain pouring on me as I left Naruto there, not noticing that my headband fell off until now. Hopefully, I didn't kill him. I'm already on the verge on turning back despite the stunt I had just pulled.

    Maybe I'm crazy

    Maybe you're crazy

    Maybe we're crazy


    As reach my desination I think, ' Am I crazy or is it just me?' To think that question will forever haunt my mind.

    Uh, uh

    Author's Note: Don't ask why I wrote this because I'm not up to good spirits right now. Deditcated to Ellenore AKA Oki who had just died. May your memory live on in Heaven.