• "Cali...Cali...Cali!" I heard a voice. I jolted out of bed. It was only my mom. "Hurry up Cali, get ready! You're going to be late for school!" I quickly put on my clothes, slid down the banister, and grabbed a pop-tart while running out the door. The bus stop came into sight. Good, I'm not late, I thought to myself.
    As I walked toward the bus stop bench, I saw somebody unfamiliar sitting on it. I sat down beside her. "Hi, my name's Cali. Are you new here?" I asked. "Yes, I just moved from another state. My name is Brooke." She seemed nice. Suddenly, an eerie feeling swept over me. The bus was coming, then it came to a stop. The doors opened and the two of us hopped on.
    I sat down and saw Brooke was having trouble finding a seat. "You can sit next to me," I waved. She smiled and sat next to me. The bus started moving and came to the next stop. "Hey, you seem really nice," she started, "Do you think you could show me around the school?" "Sure," I said. Again, I felt an eerie feeling sweep over me.
    Every time I was around Brooke in school, I felt that eerie feeling. I didn't know why, but it sure didn't make me feel safe. I was starting to think if I should be her friend. I mean, she gave me that eerie feeling, which made me feel weird. But it would be hard getting out of not being her friend. I was the only one that had been nice to her that day, so she probably thought we were starting to be friends. I walked on, and Brooke passed me in the halls. She waved back, and I managed a weak smile. That eerie feeling swept over me, again.
    When I was back at home, I walked into the backyard and into the woods. I started walking around. Oblivious to everything until I bumped into something-or someone. It was Brooke. "Sorry," we said at the same time. "It's okay," I managed to say. I felt that eerie feeling again, but this time it seemed worse. I looked at Brooke. Her eyes suddenly turned a murky green, then pitch black. Sharp fangs seemed to replace her canine teeth. "What the..." I started to say, but I couldn't finish. Long claws were growing from her knuckles, then from her feet. Her back hunched. The clothes she was wearing started to rip and tear, then fell to the ground. She shot me a sly smile, and pounced. I screamed with my eyes shut, waiting to feel the sharp fangs sink into my skin. Then, everything went silent. Opening one eye, I looked around. "Where the heck did it go..."
    So I started looking around, cautiously stepping from place to place. Nearly towards the end of the woods, I heard yapping and growling. I walked toward the sounds as quietly and carefully as I could. When I finally arrived at the scene, Brooke-I mean the werewolf-was wrestling with some creature. The other creature looked like a wolf, but I couldn't really tell. I hid behind a tree, poking my head around to watch. The werewolf gave up. It started walking away, but not towards me. I wanted to follow, but fear got the better of me. The other creature, though, was limping towards me. I still couldn't tell what it was. "Stay away from that one." She barked, then limped away, her tail swishing behind her.
    The next day at school, I tried to stay away from Brooke. She acted like she didn’t know why I was avoiding her. But obviously, she knew. I made sure I was surrounded by students or teachers. In case anything odd…happened with Brooke. At lunch, she sat alone. I felt kind of bad. Then, I thought about the previous day in the woods. No, I didn’t feel bad anymore.
    Brooke was in my science class. I got nervous when the teacher was assigning lab partners. We were never paired up, though, which was a relief. One day in science class, Mrs. Mayers was assigning lab partners for a project. I crossed my fingers. Please, not Brooke, I thought to myself over and over again. “Cali, you’re with…Brooke.” I felt like screaming, but instead I just glared at Brooke instead. The bell rang, and that’s when Brooke asked me, “Why are you avoiding me?” “Just a bad day,” I mumbled then walked away.
    On the bus ride home, I had a choice to sit with Brooke, or the weird kid that picked his nose. I could sit with Brooke, I mean, she wouldn’t do anything bad with a bunch of other people around. I can’t take any chances. I had to sit next to that weird nose-picker. Walking towards his seat, I thought, He better not offer me anything.
    When I got off the bus, I remembered I was lab partners with Brooke. Great, eventually we’d have to do our projects together. And we’d better do it at my house. Who knows, her whole family could be werewolves. Brooke strode up to me. “Where are we going to do our projects?”
    She asked. “Oh! How about my house?” she insisted. “Perfect,” she just answered her own question. Brooke took hold of my arm and dragged me through the woods. It was the only quick way to her house from where we were. I got an eerie feeling and a sick feeling in my stomach. Oh no.
    We were almost to her house when she stopped. She looked at me and her eyes turned pitch black. She grew fangs and claws. Her back hunched and her clothes fell to the ground. She shot me a sly smile. Just like the day before. I didn’t have time to scream. The werewolf grabbed me and threw to the ground. I was waiting for that wolf-like creature to come to my rescue. She didn’t come. The next thing I knew everything turned black and I went into a coma.
    I woke up in the middle of the woods. I guess the werewolf had gone. No, wait. Maybe the wolf-like creature scared it away. I guess it had because the creature was standing over me. It wasn’t limping anymore. When I got up, I felt an ache. I inspected myself, and found a long, wide scrape running from my thigh down to my ankle. The wolf-like creature looked at me. “I told you to stay away from her.” “Sorry, but we were assigned a project together. And I am NOT going to fail it. I can’t even tell my teacher…she won’t believe me. Maybe I could tell her that Brooke was harassing me…” I tried to explain, but the creature raised a paw. “Then tell her that. You have to stay away from her. She’s not safe.” This is too much for me to take, I thought to myself. “Anyway, why do you keep coming to my rescue and how do you know where to find that werewolf?” I asked. “Because I have been following her. For a long time, of course. It’s my duty. To protect others from her. You know, she wasn’t always like this. She used to be a regular human being, just like you. In fact, many people have turned into creatures like her. They all used to be regular humans.” “So does that mean you watch every one of them?” I asked curiously. “No, there are many others like me. We all have one creature to watch. One person to protect. And that person, is you.”
    All I could do was stare at the creature. “So, you mean that every time Brooke tries to do something to me, you’ll be there?” “Yes.” She answered casually. “Well then, can you do something about this scrape?” I asked. She didn’t say anything, but she pulled out an oddly shaped bottle and poured one drop onto the scrape. It wasn’t very painful, but it burned a little. I watched the scrape as it faded away, leaving nothing. “What was that stuff you poured on me?” “Dragon blood,” she replied. “I can cure almost anything.”
    The next morning when I woke up, I felt really hungry. I ate a lot and then started for the bus stop. Then I remembered Brooke. I slowed down. I felt like turning invisible. I went to take a sip from my water bottle, but when I raised my hand, I couldn’t see it. I looked at my other hand. Couldn’t see it. Then I looked at my feet. I couldn’t see those either. “Great, now Brooke won’t see me.” I started walking again, then stopped. “How’s everyone else going to see me? I wish I wasn’t invisible..” I looked at my hand. I was visible again. How could this happen? It was probably one of the many effects of the dragon blood. Now all I had to say was “I wish” and I could be invisible, or visible. I turned invisible again and sat on the bench at the bus stop. I tried not to make any sound. When the bus came, I quickly hopped on and got my own seat.
    Whenever Brooke came around, I turned invisible. Then when she was out of site I turned visible as secretly as I could. The next few days at school went smoothly since Brooke couldn’t see me. I turned a corner and was in the gymnasium. After GYM class, I went to the showers. I leaned over a sink and poured water over my face. When I looked up, something was written on the mirror. “I’m watching you.” That’s what it said. I don’t know what-or who-could’ve written it. A stall door opened and one of my friends came out. It was Ari. I grabbed her arm and pointed to the mirror. “Very funny.” she said. “I didn’t write that!” I said. “Well, then who did?” “I DON’T KNOW!” I said, frustrated. “I just looked up and it was there…” “We’d better get out of here.” Ari said nervously. As we ran out of the room, I had that eerie feeling.

    To be continued...
    Tell me if you'd like to here it continued and i'll enter the second part. [Don't worry, i'll put a link to the first one]