• Prosperitys P.O.V:

    Sleep was harder to come by. I remembered why home wasn't a favorite place in the world. Maybe it was the memory of my mother, that I was seeing her. Like in the kitchen, I could've sworn I saw her there stiring the pot for me. I might be losing my mind. Then there was Cam- Eternity who wanted to talk about what mom was like. Of course, I avoided it. I tried to block that images of her from my mind. Vanessa took two things away from me in my life. Eternity...and my mother. I remember that night, when she tried to lock me in my room while she went into my parents room and slaughtered my mom in front of my very own eyes. God...sorry, um...let's just say it was a major changing point in my life. I had to grow up mentally faster than physically. My fourteen year old self had to take care of a household of four people, three of them were older than me. In a normal household Serenity was supposed to take care of the house, but because she was such a party animal it was even in my mind to let her take care of us. Bradley had a scholarship to go to college so of course he couldn't do anything to help the house. Dad was never home and when he was he was always expiramenting on me, Leo was too young to raise a household so now you see what I mean.
    I had no choice but to grow up. Technically I didn't have to, we had plenty of servants but the none of them could keep control of us. I had to become a mom. One day I met Lena and we both ran away but that's a story for a different time. The main thing is that I wasn't a fan of home. It wasn't something I wanted to remember. Then there was the fear of Vanessa and what she would do once she found us. My dreams always consist of some type of death. I wish Darius was here...

    Eternitys P.O.V:

    Pro’s been acting really weird since we got here, like she’s nervous being back in this house. It’s awkward but one the bright side I feel like I’ve known these people forever it’s like I automatically fit in. I hope Pro feels better soon because I wouldn’t want my big sister to be sad when I’m happy...
    One day while me and Serenity were watching a movie in the living room she walked in, stopped and stared forward. It’s like she could see somebody standing there.
    “Pro what are you looking at?” I asked.
    “Huh? Oh, nothing. I just thought I saw something.” she said.
    “Like what?” I asked.
    “Nothing…” she replied with shifty eyes.
    “Pro you really have got to relax you’re home you found our sister now just be happy.” Serenity said.
    “I’ll try…” She walked out of the room.
    “Does this happen all the time?” I asked Serenity.
    “Only when she’s home. I think she sees mom still walking around sometimes and it upsets her.” she said.
    “Oh…” I thought about it and I never really met mom I just saw her for those five minutes before I was taken and that’s it. I went into Pro’s room and looked around.
    “Maybe there’s something in here that’ll let me know what mom was like.” I said to myself. I looked in Pro’s drawer and found a photo album. There were a whole bunch of pictures of Pro, Serenity, Bradley, Leo, and mom. Then I saw a picture of mom with a baby with a hospital bed in the back round. I took the picture out and on the back it said : Baby Eternity. There were three more pictures of her and me as a baby. She handled me so gently, like I was a puppy kind of. I wasn’t even crying in any of the pictures. And mom was so beautiful, Pro really does look like her. I almost cried thinking about how that was the only time I ever saw her. Then Pro walked in and I jumped a little.
    “Did you lose something in here or were you just looking through my stuff.” she said jokingly.
    “Sorry I was just looking for anything that would let me know what mom was like.” I said.
    “You could’ve just asked.” she said back.
    “Yeah but I know you’ve been a little depressed being home and I didn’t want to bother you.” I replied.
    “Aww…” she gave me a hug. “She was the nicest woman you could ever meet. She always cared about peoples feelings and she loved everyone of us like there was no one else in the world.” she told me while looking down at the picture.
    “Pro…” I started.
    “What?” she said.
    “H-how did mom die?” I really didn’t want to ask her that but I needed to know. She had a grim look on her face as soon as I asked.
    “You don’t have to tell me! I was just asking…” I said trying not to make her angry.
    “No I’ll tell you…” She started tearing up.
    “No you really don’t have to I-”
    “Vanessa…came in the house when no one was looking pushed me into a corner…and killed her…”
    “Oh my god…I can’t believe-” my eyes welled up with tears and I walked over to the corner of the room and cried like I have never cried before. Then all of a sudden there was a big boom coming from the living room. Me and Pro ran out of her room to see what happened. It was her.
    “Where’s Cameile?!!!” she yelled at Serenity.
    “Who’s Cameile?! And why are you still alive?!!!” Serenity yelled back.
    “Serenity get into the safe room now!” Pro yelled.
    “Ahh so there’s the little depressed b***h who stole my daughter from me.”
    “I’M NOT YOUR DAUGHTER AND MY NAME ISN’T CAMEILE IT’S ETERNITY!!!!!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.
    “GET IN THE CAR NOW!” she yelled back. I ran in the kitchen grabbed a knife and started slashing at her.
    “How does it feel to have a knife on the other end b***h!” I was more than angry I was more than pissed I was infuriated. My eyes glowed red and my hair started changing. I was about to turn into that thing again but I was under control.
    Pros P.O.V

    “Eternity no!” I yelled out to her but she didn’t stop changing. Serenity looked out of the safe room and saw her.
    “What happened to her?!” she asked me.
    “Her evil only appears when she’s this mad…she’s lethal now.” I said.
    “Don’t make me do this Cameile.” Vanessa said holding a gun up.
    “Go ahead, the fact that you would shoot me just means that your nothing to me, you don’t care and you never did.” Eternity said. I pushed her out of the way and her power went down.
    “Get in the safe room now!” I yelled at her.
    “But Pro-”
    “Now!” I yelled. She went in and when she closed the door I looked at Vanessa in anger.
    “Leave her here.” I said.
    “No I raised her and I’m taking her home!” she yelled.
    “You may act like you care but as soon as you got her back for a minute you abused her.” There was no way I was going to let her take Eternity back. Out of nowhere Darius ran in and started choking Vanessa.
    “Darius how did you know I was in trouble?!” I asked.
    “Isn’t it obvious we’re bonded, I get feelings when something’s going on.” Vanessa stabbed him in the arm.
    “Let me go!” she yelled. She ran towards me and tried to stab me but when she got close enough something blocked me and then threw her into the wall. I turned around and Eternity was looking through the door of the safe room and she was using my power to levitate and her force field. I smiled at her and turned around but when I looked up she had her gun back and-

    Etties P.O.V

    “Pro! Darius!” I screamed as their bodies hit the ground. I ran out to them and still had the knife I had grabbed in my hand. I looked up at Vanessa and slashed at her face. She grabbed my wrist and hit me with a board from the door that she shot up. I woke up an hour later laying on the floor of a glass room wearing nothing but a black bra and underwear. I tried to sit up but I was chained to the floor. I looked up and Vanessa was typing something into a keypad on the door. She turned a knob and pulled a lever and when it was too late I realized I’m in a radiation chamber. But what was worse was when she pointed to the mirror behind me. There were five microchips going down my back in a line. I’ve seen what happens to people in this situation when I was younger. It was their way of executing people. The radiation started flowing around me and the microchips reacted to it. Right before I started grunting Vanessa took a hammer and broke the
    keypad. I had no way out.
    I started grunting uncontrollably, my whole body started shaking as if I were having a seizure. My skin started getting lighter and lighter until I was pale white. But that wasn’t even the worst part. After I turned white it stopped hurting for one minute exactly. Then came the screaming pain. The wires in the microchips spread through my body and shocked me to the point were I almost peed on myself. Then I went into a coughing rage that turned into throwing up it was all blood. Then the wires in my back ripped through my skin like it was toilet paper and I lost more blood. But I didn’t start crying until the last wire shoved itself through my stomach.