• I had to move downstairs when my little was born. I woke up in the middle of the night, it was pitch black so i couldn't see anything. I heard something squeaking, I thought it was a mouse but the squeaking reminded me it was my doorknob. I looked at the door and i could tell that someone was coming in my room. As i squinted to look better i could see a dark figure. I let out a gasp and the figure left quickly. I was so terrafied, I didnt know what it could be, maybe a theif, or an animal! I got more scared so i covered myself completly in my blanket (to scared to open my eyes) and then later i fell asleep.
    As i woke up in the morning i rubbed my eyes and got out of bed. I looked around and only saw my stuff on the floor, nothing else. I went up the stairs and as i entered the kitchen my mom was washing the dishes so i asked her if she went to check on me last night. "No, I didn't. As soon as I put Cathy to sleep I went to sleep. Why do u ask?" I shook my head. "Nothing I was just wondering." So my mom didn't come check on me. Well it was to dark to see, maybe I just had a nightmare, but one that seemed so real.....