Chapter 1
People stare at me as I walk down the street to school. I have herd rumors about me, they say I’m a god like finger and angel from haven. But I think there wrong about me, I think I am a monster that takes peoples life’s for myself. Life depends on me to live, if not everything will be lost. I live for people around me so they will have a good and happy life. Ring. Everyone started to go inside school for there first class of the day, so did I.
“ How are you feeling Nathan, you look a little down”, Kristen was right beside me walking to are first class. When I came to this school to keep me out of trouble out there, but she was really nice to me and she doesn’t care if I’m the hottest guy in High School. The worst thing is I can read there minds and see there thoughts and the future, like in a little bit there will be an accident that will kill 4 people it will be on the news later today. Kristen’s hands where waving back and forth in my face, I looked at her. Then a shocking feeling came form her, I looked ahead, and saw Justin walking right to us. This is the guy that Kristen is afraid of, I looked in her past and found out that he is the guy that made fun of her all her life. But one day one of his friend dared him to take her to the movie then leave her there when the movie started, she dress like a princess ready to get married. I bet he felt bum when he left her there looking to purity just for him.
“ Lets go this way”, I pulled her down a different hall way and started to take the long way to class.
“ Thanks, how did you know I wanted to get away”, I looked outside the window.
“ You tensed up and looked at what you where looking at, so I pulled you down here. Isn’t this you locker”, I pointed at a locker and it was hers.
“ Yeah thanks”, she opened it a braded her books and closed it. “ I should get to class and so should you. See you at launch”, she walked off to her first class and I turned. Ricky was coming this way, he walked up to me and smiled.
“ You can’t find anyone else cuter so you picked up one of the losers, what are you going to do next. Make her popular with the guys”, I walked past him. He grabbed my arm, I pulled away knocking him to the ground.
“ If I do will you have one of your friends to dare you to go out with her and leave her again. You must of felt really bad, guys like you shouldn’t mess with girls like her”, his eyes where big. A sicking shock come to his face, he got up and started walking to his class. I didn’t have to worry about being late to class, no one knows if I’m there one minute or not there the next. I couldn’t keep Kristen out of my head, I could see her dressed up in her pink dress with black high heals. Her hair was made up and had makeup on, the eyeliner made her eyes pop more. I felt as if I was on the date and not him, I opened my eyes to find myself in my third period class. The teacher never bothered me once in class, I toke my notes and just looked outside. I packed my stuff and started walking to the door, then the bell rang and I was already out of the class. 4th , 5th, and 6th period was short and boring. The lunch bell rang and I walked to the cafeteria, Kristen found me.
“ Hey are you going to eat today.” I never really eat, or I’m never hungry.
“ Sore I’m eat today.” She smiled at me then walked in front of me in line. Everyone was eating and talking to there friends, the cafeteria was loud so we walked outside to the tables. Today was hamburgers, I got two, and she got one. Outside was hot with no wind, she looked at me.
“ Do you want to eat out here its really hot.”
“ I think a little wind will come in a few minutes.” I looked up and back at her. She was already at the table then a gust of wind blow her hair. She laughed then pulled her hair out of her face so she could eat.
“ I guess you where right.” I sat on the opposite side from her and watched her eat. She looked up and smiled with food all over her face, a little laughed come out and she looked at me.
“ What.” I just smiled then pointed at her face. She still didn’t get what I was saying, so I graded her napkin. She looked at it then laughed at herself, she toke the napkin out of my hand and wiped her face. “ Thanks.”
“ Your welcome.” I looked a my food the started to eat, I never really eat food from the cafeteria or anywhere. I toke a bite and swallowed, it was ok I guess. Lunch was longer then any of are classes, we just started at the sky.
“ I’m sorry about this morning, I just don’t like him that’s all”, I just nodded.
“ Why don’t you tell me about it”, she was silent. “ It’s ok if you don’t want to tell me, I just wanted to know what happened.”
“ It was a long time ago, one of his friends dared him to take me to the movies. I got dressed in my new dress I got with my money just for him, we got there with out saying anything. He asked it I wanted a drink or anything I said no, we got to are movie sets. He said he need to go to the bath room before the movie started, he left me there. I waited and waited, he never came back. I didn’t even bother with the movie, I wanted him to come back but he didn’t. I didn’t go to school for a week, I cried and cried. Throw out my life no one has ever asked me out before, I thought he liked me”, she shock her head to shack the bad memory away. “ But that was long ago, he all ways made fun of me ever scents then. I’m over it”, she took another bite out of her hamburger.
“ I’m sorry to bring it up. Why didn’t anyone ask you out, I know I would have”, she just looked at me with her purple eyes. I laughed, but she didn’t.
“ Are you asking me out”, she didn’t relax. I laughed again, then grabbed some of her hair very lightly then kissed it. I pulled away to see her face, her cheeks where a light pink. She looked away from me then ate again, she looked at the P.E. building. “ Stop making fun of me your as bad as them.”
“ I’m asking you if you want to go as friends, not on a date. Just wear what your wearing right know, well if you want to get your hair up of what ever you want to do with it”, she looked down then smiled at me.
“ That sounds fun, I need to get out of the house anyways. But I get to buy the popcorn, and you get the drinks”, she relaxed again. I thought she always looked better when she was herself, relaxed and calm. The wind died down and the bell rang, we got up and throw are trash away. We walked to her next class and stopped at the door.
“ See you after school ok”, she smiled then walked into class. People where being pushed out of the way and Justin appeared out from the middle, he saw me then walked over. He stopped right in from of me, I waited for him to say something really stupid.
“ What are you doing here, oh wait you’re her dog. Does she ever let you off your leash”, I looked at him with a stare with nothing on my face. Kristen ran out of the classroom and was in front of us holding us apart be for anything got bad, if I wanted to kill him I would make it a good one. But I know better then to get mad at anyone, Kristen was holding me back with one hand and the other on him.
“ I’m not a dog first of all, and friends help friends out. I bet you would have never know that because you don’t have friends that are loyal to you, but they are dogs that fallow some stupid orders from some stupid person”, his face changed. His hands where in balls ready to fight, I could tell any minute he was going to try to hit me. If he could. It wouldn’t work first of all, he was about to push Kristen onto the floor. But I grabbed his hands and flipped him onto the ground, a loud WOW went throw the crowded students in the hallway. He was on the ground holding his arm as if I broke it, the teacher started to brake up all the students that where watching. I pointed at the class room she was in and she went inside, I walked to my class as if nothing happened. I passed a teacher that was coming to see if everything was going ok, which it wasn’t.
Class was boring, I already know how that to what was on the bored. I looked outside the window and watched the tree, the wind was blowing hard and it looked like it was about to rain again. Then a number came to my head, I guess it’s the number of people that will be gone by the end of the day. There names come into my head, I nodded no in my head and a new set of names came. I nodded yes and the wind dies down a little but not a lot, the bell rang and I walk to the teacher and handed in my paper. The teacher held out his hand and a paper that said principal.
“ He wants you now, I never thought you where the fighting type”, I just nodded my head. I needed to find a way to get out of this mess first. I shook my head again “ I’m not.” I walked out of class and started to walk to the principal’s office it wasn’t that far anyway.
Last Hope
Always Loving U
A guy named Nathan has the whole world in his hand but what does he do with it? The only please he can go to is high school to keep his mind off of things. Hope you like it, I will post up the second chapter later on ^^
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