• Chapter 2: Charity
    His eyes were so empty and lonely I couldn’t stop my eyes from watering. In the reflection I could see that he was surprised and started to loosen his grip. Realizing what he was doing I struggled to get out, but his reflexes were fast as he pulled in the knife sitting onto my skin. It was cool to the touch, which made me stop because of how the sharp edge was when I saw it before. My mind was going haywire saying, “Escape! You’re going to die!”, but I stood my ground not giving in to my fear. I knew that even if I did try to escape he would attack me. Besides he could have killed me now, but he hasn’t yet. I knew he couldn’t kill me, even if I asked so I could be free from the hell hole of a home.

    I could hear him breathing down my neck, and loosened the blade from my neck as he noticed that I calmed down. Leaning in he said, “I won’t do anything if you just give me all of the money that you got back in the store.”

    At first, I didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t someone that I know, he was just a stranger that came up to me and pulled a knife at me, but I knew that he was telling the truth. I didn’t struggle like others would once they hear his words. They would think that he was an idiot and yell for help. Yet I felt that he wasn’t like that, so I nodded, to my own surprise. His hands, felt soft and rough in my hands, as he brought it down.

    At first, I was relieved that the knife was put away. However, when I started to turn to face him I couldn’t stop myself from panicking. Now what… I don’t know what would happen even if I do give him the money. I thought looking at him directly (because I noticed that I was looking at the floor). What I saw was no face for a homeless person that needed the money. No he was like a prince from a fairytale.The Sea-Blue eyes seem to change color from the dim light of the sunset; what should have been matted hair was a well combed and groomed short, dark-brown hair; fair skin and a god-like structured face; he was also lean, muscular (for the fact that his tight black T-shirt showed the six-packs), and tall.

    As I looked him over again I noticed that he wasn’t an old-perverted-geezer, he was a teenager going to his adolescent. Now is not the time to daydream I thought to myself as I shook my head. Without thinking I ran up to him and hit him in the groin. He doubled over making his face crackle into a figure of pain. Gathered with the stuff, that I dropped, as quickly as I could, I ran half way down the ally.

    I didn’t know what came over me when I stopped their. I knew that if I didn’t leave now I wouldn’t just get hit like my step-mother. I would be killed, but something made me stop and turn around. The man was still hunched over, while being supported by the wall, making noises of pain. Clearly I kicked him pretty hard for he kept that position for a few minutes until he stopped and sat down. Worried, even though I am not supposed to be, I went over and dug into my pocket.

    Standing over him I dropped the money onto the floor in front of him. He watched me with his golden-green eyes with suspicion of being tricked, but I talked first before he could.

    “I don’t know the reason that you need the money when you look like you could just go home to get it.” His eyes were drawing me in but I resisted as my heart started to flutter and my cheeks went hot, “I…. I’m doing this because I hit you without thinking and…… and it’s my apologies. Go…… good bye. “I finally said and ran.

    As I ran I could still feel the eyes follow me. My cheeks went hotter still as I came to the house.

    ~The Man’s Thoughts~
    Ouch…… girls can kick. I still thought as she ran off. I didn’t know what to say though as I touched the money that I got from the girl. She was the first to kick him and then apologized by giving up her money. The other girls kicked (sometimes bit) and ran without looking back, all but her. As I looked at the money I couldn’t stop thinking of her blue eyes. Without thinking I ran towards the direction she was running.

    I can’t accept any charity from anyone……