• Washington white house 2010. A day after the shooting of our so called "beloved" President. The country has agrred to giving people there own land and enough needs such as shelter clothing water and seeds to crop and food , To live how they choose. "finally a world of peace for all" Says Jessabella. "i wonder how we all will ajust bella" says her best friend emma.The to friends walk out to the farm to get started on crops. " im glad the goverment will give us food until our crops start to grow emma" says bella.
    "I know I love living in a world of freedom and choice" says emma.
    ** a few weeks after the friends have taken care of crops the corn and apples and other foods start to grow good. "look at all this food bella , we can live of off of this for 2 years" says emma." Mabey if we just keep to this we could be very sucseful people in this worl emma" says bella."oww my knee bella help!".
    "oh my god emma its bleeding"."im loosing to much blood bella"
    To be continued......