• A little girl walked down her street, wondering why her mother yelled.
    "Why can't you be more mature?!", "Get out!!" and more hurtful things.
    One day the little girl opened her front door and saw her mother collapsed onto the ground, crying as though someone very precious has vanished.
    "Mama, what's wrong?"
    "Your father has ... vanished."
    She simply could not stop and she didn't know what to do.
    " The man who was with me told me everything was alright and you loved me. So why do you yell?" At first, the mother stared at her daughter. "What man?" "A little sparkle in the air told me he was our father. He told me it was all because you loved me so. Now answer mama. Why do you yell?"
    The mother, clearly astonished by her daughters answer said between her sobs, "I love you, Mika. It would be too hard to see you leave with a cold heart. So I yelled, so you would stay."
    The daughter who's name was Mika, did not understand. "Mama you seemed to be the opposite." Her mother was so helpless looking. "The twinkle had told me, you had not meant to hurt me and you may be hurting yourself."

    A few days later, her mother told her daughter all she knew. Why she yelled, why she was so upset, and how hurting works.
    Months later, the mother died out of dear depression. The police thought she was old enough, but she was young. Mika pointed out about her fathers vanishing.. She was then questioned. She told them all.

    Her mother told her, " Mika, hurting is something other cause. Sometimes unintentionally. If I hurt you by yelling, I'm sorry. Because some hurt takes a piece of your heart and rips it into pieces, little by little. An apology is a remedy and always works. Hurting isn't great. You learn from it. As your heart recovers, you will feel sad. Just remember, your heart will recover. You are strong. Just as I."

    Mika lived for a long time. She had children and a happy life. She cried at her father and mothers grave. Nonetheless she was happy. She told her children her story, and grew up to be like her.

    The point of this I guess is, when your hurt don't let it get to you. Your heart will mend. Your stronger then you know. So never give up.
    - Ling-Xiao-Yuu