• Shocking Encounters

    Author's note: This is split for a reason to get the setting started and it might end up in three chapters, so bear with me.

    Chapter One: The Pieces are falling into place

    Castle Oblivion, World that Never Was

    A group of people, wearing black-hooded robes; black hamakas; and black boots; (except a female wearing pumps) were in the mists of a meeting about whatever the superior is bringing up all the time they were there.

    "...Lastly, we need more hearts to fulfill our destiny. This meeting is over." He said as he concluded the meeting on time.

    "At times like this, I really need some kind of distraction from these idiots." she thought as she rolled her eyes in aggrivation from the antics of her fellow members in the organization.

    The person that is viewing the events is one female that is like a lightning bug to the visual person's eyes, which is really sunflower blonde; around 5'6" [Including the pumps, without, 5'4"]; but her bluish-teal green eyes are holding more than fury, they are holding a secret that it's making her more mysterious to the present situation; and silently thanking the hearts that she is a bit taller than #13, #12 Larxene, is in fact, feeling the coldness of the nobody heritage setting in her entire persona and also missing something in her "heart."

    "I don't know why I am feeling this way, but Marluxia nor Axel isn't just enough for me." she thought as she went to the Chamber of Sloth[1] to relax.

    Hueco Mundo, Forest of Menos

    One of the Ten Espadas, a rather rude and disobeident person that is always snarky to his fellow espadas, ie, the Espada Sexta, Grimmjow Jeagerjaques, was hanging around the Forest of Menos, thinking about someone else than the shinigami pest, Ichigo Kurosaki, which is very unusual to his character persona, but it makes up with his personality of being lax and calm, with his hands in his pockets, leaning against a tree, his back towards it.

    "Grimmjow!! Grimmjow!! Where are you? Grimmjow!" Someone was calling out to him through his daydream, lax attitude-setting mood.

    He didn't respond, since he was still staring into space, mentally seeing a woman that mirrors the same rebellious mood towards authority as his, yet he wakes up everytime he felt her presence getting close to his, leaning in to kiss him, that's it making him more and more frustrated with his train of thoughts.

    "There you are, Grimmjow!! I have looked all over for you!!" Halibel said to him as she broke his train of thought.

    "Yes, Halibel? What is it that it is so important to disturbed my peaceful reflection?" Grimmjow growled as he was getting furious at the interruption.

    "Lord Aizen-sama requested your presence immediately while the meeting with the other Espadas, so do be there, Grimmjow." Halibel told him the message with great seriousness before leaving to head back to Las Noches.

    "Fine. Whatever."

    Then Grimmjow stood up and followed Halibel back to the castle.

    Castle Oblivion, The World that Never Was

    Xigbar(#2), Luxord(#10), Xaldin(#3), Vexen(#4), and Demyrx(#9) were hanging around the Main Foyer, Xigbar from the ceiling, chatting about random things, until Roxas(#13), ran up to them, full of imformation.

    "Hey guys!! You would not believe what I heard from Larxene's own lips as she was napping a while ago."

    "What?" Demyrx asked him as he paid attention to the news.

    "Let me guess, several ways to electrocute us with her electricity?" Xigbar guessed sarcastically to the news.


    "Sweet treats and procrastination from her duties like always when she isn't listening to Xemnas?" Vexen guessed next.

    "Sweet treats, maybe, but that's other times, but that's not it. Guess again."

    "Guys?" Demyrx piped up with a lucky guess.

    "Bingo!! I overheard her mumbling about some guy while I was heading out to fulfill a mission that Xemnas assigned to me."

    "Who's the unlucky bloke she is targeting for her amusement?" Luxord asked Roxas.

    "I don't know, but I got to go. See ya later." Roxas replied with a shrug of his shoulders before leaving to complete his mission.

    "Later Roxas."

    After Roxas left, the group was pondering on the mystery of Larxene's fancy in her dreams.

    "Who would attract her attention, even if she isn't admiring Marluxia and Axel anymore?" Xadlin asked them.

    "I say that we tailed after her in the times of her activities." Xigbar suggested to them.

    "Splended idea. Can you go and spy on her for us?" Vexen asked him.

    "No problem." He replied to Vexen before disappearing.

    "Good luck." Luxord wished him before leaving to make some tea for himself.

    Main Hall/Throne Room, Las Noches

    Grimmjow was bored from the ramblings of Ulquiorra's, as well as Aizen's important words before the meeting and evne now. "Who was that woman that I see in my dreams?" He pondered to himself before he heard someone calling his name again for the seventh time of the day. "Huh?"

    "Grimmjow, you are assigned to patrol the realm of the living, but in a different area, Traverse Town. Understood?" Gin Ichimaru(sp?) smiled as he got the orders from Aizen-sama himself, which let to realization to Grimmjow that the meeting was over a few minutes ago.

    "Yeah, sure. Whatever." Grimmjow said as he walked away to carry out the assignment.

    Gin grinned more with manipulation. "The pieces are all falling into place on the relationship between Grimmjow and the woman he sees in his dreams, like Aizen-sama predicted."

    End of Chapter One..

    #1: Is the poetic terminology for the name Lounge that Xemnas might called it when he is in the mood of daydreaming world.