• There was a man he stood there in a room full of feary fire torches in the dark....He looked opon as he was rapped in medal chains around his wrist and by then an open gazing light had appear from the door of thee chamber the guard unchained him and gave him a note.

    Dear Ryan,
    i have known you'd been in this slumber for years now have you?I have a deal for you.
    you must fight apon the body guard knights that i have gotten as you know its dead or alive
    your pick,as you proceed to the last gladiatior it is your chance if you kill him your free to go but if you fight me ill let the other souls free to go but dont try to escape that only makes death.
    it will only get worst.

    The Emperor

    he looked up to the body guard and said ok he pushed him to the lobby,down to the cafateria,to the storage as then he saw a button,the guard pressed it and he gazed apon a light full of other reckless prisoners......

    he only wished as he let them free,but he thee not own this hell

    he watched many fights apon the other prisoners.

    and now....it is his turn to battle.
    this guard a normal just a swordsmen.
    the weapon server handed the gladius peacfully to the sword men but throw the dirk to the ground he picked it up and began the fight.

    Ryan sliced the SM's knee.
    The SM's bashed his arm.
    Heccut off the head like it was no big deal.
    the SM's fell to the ground dishonorably
    and he was breathing,in and out
    he looked at his cut it only ganna see if it is gonna get worst.

    To be,
    continue.......... stare