• (Ch1)***(The First Life)

    Once there was an 11 year old girl named Ariel Rohan. Ariel loved to swim whenever she got the chance, that’s why she was named Ariel. She was very good in school but she loved all holidays from school, all except for spring break. That was when her parents made her do spring cleaning. Ug! Ariel loathed cleaning so much she sometimes puked.

    She had only one best friend named Courtney Babette who was kind of shy, the exact opposite of Ariel who was outgoing and energetic. Ariel had a huge crush on Keenan Kiwi (who secretly liked her and gave her a heart necklace). Courtney, though, had her eye on a quiet boy named Tomas Toan.

    Anyway, back to spring break. Ariel asked her next door neighbor and crush, Keenan, to help her clean the attic. He agreed. So they started putting items into boxes labeled, throw away, keep and sell.

    “Wow, this is hard work! I’m so hot,” commented Ariel fiddling with the necklace.

    “ Yeah,” He replied quietly. “Um yeah, I’m warm too,” he quickly corrected himself. Ariel just blushed. She immediately started going through a box marked Marina’s stuff.

    “Holy cow, these shoes are radical!” Ariel burst out so suddenly that Keenan almost dropped a piece of china. “They must be ancient. But the color is so new, so fresh......” She trailed off.

    “Let’s see how they look on you,” Keenan replied shyly. Ariel quickly put them on and looked in a mirror. They looked fabulous yet full of mystery. A couple of minutes later she found another pair in a box marked Bob’s stuff. They fit Keenan perfectly. About an hour later Keenan suggested that they race down the street and back in the shoes. Ariel agreed.

    “On your marks, get set, go!” they screamed at the same time. Ariel knew she would beat him by a landslide. She looked back and everything was blurry. “I didn’t think I could run that fast” she frantically thought trying to stop. Ahead she saw a blinding white light. Next thing she knew, was darkness.