• Rya sat in her lab quietly as she went over her plans for a new invention. Rya was one of the youngest engineers in the country. She already had a masters in engineering and she was barely twenty one. She looked over her design. Because she was young most companies figured she didn't have enough experience to be hired. So Rya was reduced to doing custom inventing jobs for snotty Park Avenue heiresses for money. Her current invention was a portal. It was computerized to be a mirror. You pick out the outfit you want on the computer attachment, once you find the one you want, you look in the mirror to check how it looks on you. If it pleases you then hit enter and walk through the mirror. Once on the other side you are dressed and ready to go. She was commissioned to build it by an annoying, surgically enhanced, Botoxed little Paris Hilton clone that didn't much like anyone but herself.

    What Rya had been experimenting with is creating a portal between now and the future. But that would have to wait. Rya played with her long, chestnut colored, wavy locks of hair as she examined the design for the thirtieth time. She needed to get this right. She wrote a couple notes on the schematics for the mirror. Then she heard footsteps. "Eric, I'm quite busy," Rya said in her soft toned voice. Eric Mason. One of the most brilliant computer science T.A.'s at Sonoma University. And probably the most handsome. "I don't have time for whatever you're about to say."

    "I thought you wanted to go out tonight," Eric's voice wasn't very deep but it was a low sound and made Rya shiver. He grabbed her hand gently and pulled her off the lab stool. He spun her around slowly,"You said you wanted to dance." Rya giggled. Oh yes. Eric was Rya's boyfriend of two years. Rya looked up at Eric. His eyes were a very dark brown to match his short hair that swept over his eyes. His skin was a perfectly peach shade and his body was tall and thin. "You can't take a break for one night? You've been trying to get this thing working for weeks."

    "Eric. . I have to finish this," She sighed softly. Eric brushed some hair out of her heart-shaped face. Her eyes were golden brown, almost solid gold. Rya was pale, not sickly but paler than normal and she was a bit shorter than Eric, average height with a curvy body and long legs. Eric laid his head on her bare shoulder. She was in black tanktop and light jeans. "C'mon. Help me out. Witness my machine finally working." Eric sat down as Rya walked over to the mirror. She flipped the on switch and typed in an outfit. She chose a flowing black skirt and red satin, sleeveless top then hit enter. But the outfit didn't appear. "What the-?"

    "Rya? What's this?" Eric held up a design.

    "My design for my portal to the fu- Oh no! I mixed up the designs!" Rya groaned. Rya turned but stopped, hearing electrical noises. She saw light behind her. Sparks were flying everywhere. "What is-?" Rya turned but before she could finish Eric cut her off.

    "Rya! MOVE!" He jumped up and grabbed her as the machine exploded. Eric threw her to the floor and covered her.

    Rya looked up at Eric. He smiled an agonizing smile. "E-Eric?" Rya gulped. He fell off her, passing out. "Eric?! Eric! Eric, no!" Eric's back was bleeding and burned. "ERIC!"

    For weeks Eric was in the hospital. Rya spent most of her time with him or in her lab. Going over that awful night in her mind. She'd tried fixing the machine but it wasn't working and she was so frustrated! So one day she watched her reflection in the mirror and she was crying. "It's my fault. . Me and that. . That damn machine!" Rya walked toward the mirror and was about to smash it with a wrench but stopped. Her reflection wasn't even holding a wrench. Her reflection wasn't even in the same clothing now that she thought about it! "What in the-?" Her reflection cut her off.

    "-hell is going on?" She finished. They both screamed. Rya stared. Her reflection stared back.

    "Who are you?" Rya asked.

    "Kia Marsters. You?"

    "Rya Andreas," Rya gulped. "Nice to meet you," They said in unison. "I've lost my damn mind!" Rya exclaimed, backing away.

    "If you are then so am I. I'm talking to my reflection for Heaven's sake! I. . How. . . What day is it?"

    "Excuse me?"

    "Answer me, please."

    "It's October 21st, 2009. Why?"

    "Oh-My-Gosh! I'm looking into the PAST!" Kia eeped happily. "But how could this happen? I mean, I've never discovered anything like this before! It's astronomical! It's-" Kia went on jabbering to herself. Then it hit Rya. The past? Kia's past would mean Rya's future!

    "Wait a second!" Rya stopped Kia,"Are you telling me that 2009 is your past?" Kia nodded. "How FAR in the past?"

    "It's October 21st, 2033! Can you believe this? Oh my goodness!" Kia kept going on. Rya processed this rather slow right now. "Oh gosh! Tell me about the past! Is it true you drive on the ground? Do you listen to music on those CD player things? Do you really dye your hair manually? Is it true that your clothing don't dry itself?"

    "Slow down, Kia! Yes we drive on the ground, yes I listen to CD's, I don't dye my hair at all, and no my clothing doesn't dry itself. . . Unless I leave it out to air dry. Now how about we do this? You ask and I answer then I ask and you answer then you then me. . etc.," Rya offered as she grabbed a chair.

    "Very well, what is your first question?" Kia smiled happily.

    "What's it like? Are there cyborgs and stuff in your time?" Rya asked.

    "Oh yes. I am one actually," Kia said cheerfully.

    "Really? You were created in a lab?"

    "Hey, hey! That's TWO questions! But I'll answer them nonetheless. Yes, I'm a cyborg. But no. I was rebuilt to be what I am."

    "I don't understand."

    "Well, you see, I was in an accident. A very bad one. My body. . It couldn't sustain me any longer. My legs and arms were trashed. So cut up and mangled that they no longer worked, then my neck stopped supporting my head. They gave me robotic implants for my entire body. . . Everything about me. . Everything you see before you. . . Is all something I chose," Kia explained. "So, tell me about you."

    "I'm twenty one. I live in Modesto C.A. with my boyfriend-" Rya stopped. "My boyfriend Eric. . ."

    "What is wrong?"

    ". . Eric was in an accident, too. My lab exploded and he protected me from the blast. . He's in the hospital. . ." Rya took a breath,"May I ask again?" Kia nodded. "You're entire physical appearance. . . You chose it. So. . Why do you look like me? What did you really look like?"

    "Oh. That's simple. I went through a book of beautiful faces from the past. Yours was in the book. But honestly? I don't remember the way I used to look. My real name isn't even Kia Marsters. The agency that rebuilt me wiped my memory. I know nothing of my life before the accident. I have no memories up until about four years ago. . . I don't feel alive. ." Kia breathed softly.

    "Oh Kia. . I'm so sorry. ." Rya felt awful. What kind of agency would do that to someone? "Kia. . . Maybe I can help you regain your memories. I'm an inventor. I could try to make you a machine like that."

    "Oh thank you, Rya!" Kia smiled.

    So, more time passed and Kia and Rya developed a way to let Kia pass through the portal in order to help Rya build this memory machine. As they worked, Rya told Kia about everything in her life. About her parents, her friends, her work, and about Eric. Eric was getting out of the hospital very soon and Rya was so excited. Kia envied Rya very much. And she let Rya know it. Rya smiled and assured her that one day Kia would have everything Rya had and more. And yet. . Kia didn't believe her and her mind;if not her heart;grew darker and darker. . . .

    One day Rya came home from the hospital and let Kia through the portal. Rya was excited,"Oh Kia! Kia! Eric is coming home! He's fine and his back is okay! And oh Kia! I can't believe it! I'm so happy!" She hugged Kia and Kia barely returned the friendly embrace. "Kia, I love him so much. And without you I think I would've gone crazy! Oh thank you! I owe you so much now!"

    "You owe me, do you?" Kia asked gently.

    "Yes. Oh yes, Kia, I do. You were there for me through all of this!" Rya smiled.

    "I know how you can repay me," Kia said, grinning wickedly.

    "How? Just name it!"

    "You can go away!" Kia shoved Rya through the portal and smashed the power with her hand. Okay. She was definitely not human. Not anymore at least. She quickly tore out the sparking wires. "Now, be a good little double and stay quiet."

    "Kia! Let me out!" Rya banged on the mirror. "Why are you doing this? I thought we were friends!"

    "We WERE! But you have everything and I have nothing! You have a wonderful life and you have Eric! You have yourself to thank for all this Rya. That book I looked in for my new body? It was a history on the agency that built me. You created the technology that allowed me to live again. So thank you. But now you get to have nothing. And for once I will win," Kia walked away.

    After that Rya kept trying to get out. She'd bang on the mirror for hours, crying, calling for Eric. Everyday, all day Rya sat at the mirror in Kia's tiny cell of a room. Gray, empty walls. A twin sized bed, a dresser, a closet, and a mirror were all that were in it other than a few lamps. Days passed. Rya neither ate nor slept. Just sat in front of the mirror. Waiting. . . Waiting. . .

    Eric had noticed something odd about Rya so one day he went into her lab and saw the mirror. But in it he saw. . Rya?! "Rya?!" Eric ran over.

    "Oh Eric!" Rya smiled at him, tears in her eyes,"Look, my portal! It works! I met this girl and her name is Kia and she's a like cyborg, I guess and she trapped me on this side of the mirror! She wants you, Eric! She wants to make you believe that she's me!"

    "I knew she wasn't you. Something was off. Oh Rya. . How do I get you out?" Eric touched his hand to the mirror. Rya put her hand against his.

    "I have no idea. I'd say flip the on switch but Kia destroyed it. Oh Eric, you have to get me out!" Rya cried softly.

    "Okay. Tell me how and I will."

    "Okay. See my desk? The plans for the portal are right on top," Rya started to explain. Eric looked around for the plans,"Eric?"

    "They aren't here!"

    "Kia must've taken them. Please go find them! Hurry!" Rya begged. Eric nodded and ran up the stairs. He stopped, seeing Kia at the top of the stairs.

    "Eric? Why were you in my lab?" She asked in a serene voice.

    "I was looking for you," Eric kissed her cheek with a smile,"I figured you were working on that silly portal. We really should get rid of that thing, Rya. I know you love it but it exploded last time. We should get the plans and dismantel it."

    Kia grinned and kissed his lips,"Whatever you say, Eric." She scurried up the stairs. Eric waited for Kia to come back. She had the designs. They went into the lab. Eric looked at Kia. He really didn't want to do this but. . Eric took a wrench and hit Kia in the back of the head. He was so glad that he hadn't made her bleed. At least externally. . . He watched her pass out cold and caught her so she didn't hit the cement floor. He set her down gently and took the plans for the portal. Eric worked quickly, trying to rebuild and rewire everything so that he could get Rya out.

    "Hurry, Eric, please. . ." Rya said softly.

    "I am, don't worry," Eric smiled. Eric smiled as he started to finish the power switch. The wiring Rya had designed for it was quite complicated so it took him longer than expected and Eric heard soft noises. He turned and Kia was getting up.

    "Eric?" Kia groaned then her eyes narrowed as she saw him fixing the power. "What are you-"

    "Finished!" Eric announced happily. "Rya it says, I need a code."

    Rya smiled,"The number code is our anniversary."

    "Eric, don't!" Kia came toward. Eric typed in the code quickly and pressed enter. Rya came through the portal. She hugged Eric. Kia growled and lunged toward Rya. Rya moved gracefully, doing a rather girly twirl but turning all the way around and shoving Kia back into the portal. She shut it off quickly.

    Eric smiled,"I told you dance lessons would pay off." Rya giggled. "What should we do about this thing, Rya? It's dangerous now."

    Rya nodded,"I know. The world isn't ready for this portal or the technology that was created to make Kia. So I'm gonna do this," She grabbed a wrench and smashed the computer, which started to spark,"And now we run." Rya grabbed Eric's hand and led him up quickly. Then, once again, for the second time, Rya's lab exploded and everything in it was destroyed.