I opened my eyes and looked around curiously. Why was I in my room? When did I get home? My eyes widened as I went over last nights events in my head. I sat up in bed my eyes adjusting more to the dim light in my room. Everything seemed in place. Nothing seemed missing. But it did feel as if Sombody had been here. I was glad though, that I was living by myself. I had managed to get a job and rent a small two room apartment. I sighed shaking my head. I didnt remember leaving the party last night. I stood up noting I was still in my dress from yesterday. Well that made me feel beter. My head was killing me though. Throbing painfuly, What had happened to me? I rememberd...what did I remember? He whisperd somthing in my ears. I walked over to my desk fliping on the lamp and grabing a pen. On a sticky note on front of me I wrote down, muttering it to myself as i did.
    " I am an angel. Yet I am a demon. I am yours, yet at the same time I am noones. I am alive..yet I am dead. I, am alone" I stood staring at the paper. Just realizing one of my favorite songs was playing on my radio. I turned staring at it blankly. What had happened? He kissed me. I rememberd somthing...My head got fuzzy. And then I blacked out."Nice way to end a date" I mutterd. I sank into my computer chair leting my head fall into my hands. What happened?! I sighed looking down at my dress. I guess i should change. I stood up my head still throbing. My room was realy realy clean so id notice if somthing was out of place right? I thought to myself. I walked across the dim room to my closet pulling back the blanket i used for a door. I pulled out a sleevles black shirt and a pair of shorts. I quikly changed into them feeling self conchance wich was stupid because nobody els was here. Or i hoped not.
    I turned on a lamp groaning. Though the light was dim it felt very bright to look at. I turned it off settling for the small christmas lights hanging around my room. I picked my dress off of the floor hanging it up and putting it on a nail close to my closet. Turning around a crawled onto my bed and curled up. Not wanting to focus on anything but geting rid of my headace. The rest could wait. I sighed thinking about how his cold hands would feel good against my head right now. I looked over to my bedside table. The clock said noon. Crap. I looked past that to a bottle of headache pills. Grabing it I opened it and took two dry. I didnt want to get up for water. The fan was on so I wasnt going to get to hot.
    I looked around my room. The twilight, underworld, lord of the rings, and outher random posters hung in shadows on my wall. Not exactly a girls room if you thought about it. Remembering somthing then i turned to look at my computer. There was a faint light glowing on it. Had i left my computer on? I never do that. I stood up walking over and sitting down at the old laptop. I had goten it for my birthday a few days ago. For collage perposes. I clicked the moniters button and the screen turned on. On it was a bright message written on word works. Had he wrote it? I sighed. I realy wanted to read it but my head was killing me. My phone buzzed and i picked it up. A video message? I clicked play and watched in silence as Me and the masked stranger twirled alone on the dancefloor. It looked so gracefull and easy. But ive always been kind of a clutz. I looked closer and noted i was standing on his toes. An involuntary smile slid across my face. I didnt remember doing that but aperently i was forgeting things. The camera turned as if sombody was moving it on someone els. Amanda apeard on the small screen.
    "Wow makayla i didnt know you could dance so well. Whos the masked stranger.?" The video clicked off and i was just about to message her back when i droped the phone griping at my head. It felt as if sombody was beating it in with a hammer. Images flashed in my head each one hurting horribly. The dance...him...him kissing me. The voice when i was outside the first time. Me watching his eyes as he asked me to take my mask off. Our dance in the rain. Him kissing me again. And then images i didnt recognize. Me I had wings large black and golden wings. He was standing by my side in all black. I looked..different. Then light. ..fire. And then it stoped. I sat on the floor gasping for breath. I hadnt realized that through that I had fallen out of my chair. Sweat coted my forehead, and it felt like i had just had a heart attack. Shakingly i picked up my phone. I texted amanda telling her i wasnt feeling well, that id messege her later. I sat on the floor a few more minutes after that. What had happened to me? What were those images i didnt recognize.
    Jet. That name played over and over in my head. That name and his face. Actualy both his faces. His real one, and the masked one. Was that his name? I had a feeling it was...but. For now..because thats all I had to go on, id call him that. So i wouldnt forget it I stood up slowly, fully expecting anouther wave of pain and images. Under the words I had wtitten erlier i scrawled the name Jet underneath it. Staring at it i rubed the side of my head trying to ease the now dull headache. A shower would help with this. I felt so stupid, I was seeing images that made my head want to explode! That wasnt somthing i could just blow off. As i got a towel and all for my shower and walked into the bathroom, I thought about what could possibly be happening to me. One I was dreaming and hadnt woke up yet. Two i was druged and am having halucinations. Or three. This ment somthing realy big,...and i hadnt figured it out yet. I undressed climbing into the shower. The water feeling cool against my skin.


    I ran a towel through my hair trying to get it to dry. Walking into the living room I was happy when the afternoon sun didnt blind me. Actualy my head barely hurt at all now. I knew a shower would help. Tossing the towel on my blue couch, I headed to the kitchen to get a rootbeer before heading off to my room to read jets message. It was odd how that name came so easily for me. I wonderd if he would mind me calling him that. A nock came at my door and I paused. Would it be Jet? My heart beat just a bit faster. I took a deep unsteady breath.
    "Who is it?!" I called as the second nock came on the door. I took a step closer to it. Almost wanting it to be Jet,
    "Amanda and whittny hurry up we have a present for you!" Amanda called exitedly. I finished crossing the small living room and opened the door. Amanda was standing there holding somthing behind her back. She was dressed in the normal dark almost punk rocker clothing. Whittney was wearing her usual red jacket and jeans even though it was summer. She looked annoyed at amanda and polegeticly at me.
    "Come on in I was geting me a soda do yall want one?" I asked knowing whittny was probably dieing to pick on me about my slight southern accent.
    "Yes" they chorused. I heard whittny sigh. I gave a short laugh and went to grab three sodas. just incase whittny changed her mind. I hoped they didnt want to stay long. I realy wanted to read my message from jet. I walked back from the kitchen and placed three sodas on the table in front of my couch. They sat on the couch and as i preferd, I sat on the floor leaning my chin on the glass table.
    "So whats the present?" I aked curiously
    "well we knew you werent feeling good so we were going to wait. But amanda insisted we bring this two you. Im sorry." Whittny apologized. I shruged, not taking my eyes off of Amandas hidden hands.
    "Its alright, realy but I was a bit bisy do you mind if we hurry?" Amanda pouted in a playfull way.
    "Fine" and with that she brought her hands around to place a mask on the table. Jets mask. I looked away from it quikly, my head throbing again. Ignoring the mask I looked up at whittny who looked concerned.
    "How did you get it?" I whisperd. She glanced down at the mask and then pulled out a peace of paper. Handing it to me I tried to keep my hands from shaking as I opened it.

    "Dear amoure,
    Makayla, I am sorry to have left you so soon. It pains me to be away from you. But there are things I must attend to.
    To my Angel in waiting.

    P.S To the ones who find this. Please take this to makayla. I will be thankful and promise to award you when I can.


    My hands were shaking when i finished this. I read it again my throat felt tight. I couldnt do anything but stare at this. I had to get them to leave. I didnt want to be rude. But if there was somthing of importance in his message. I needed to be alone when i read it.
    "Im sorry...but...can you come back later? I was bisy and...I dont think im feeling any better, I dont want to get you sick." I was trying to think of outher things to say, as i sat emotionless on the floor. Staring at the paper in my hands.
    "Of course come on Amanda, we should have waited on this. Sorry" Whittny grabed amandas hand and walked to the door. "Ill call you later Makayla. Be careful." I was surprised. whittny was usaly happy and a lot like amanda was being right now. She was usualy stubborn and probably wouldnt leave me on anything els. I wonderd idely why she was acting so...protective latly. They left leaving the sodas on the table. I didnt move. My head hurt and i think it was because of the mask..but I couldnt move. I read the note again. The ink was darker and more indented as he got to the part of things he had to attend to. He must have been pressing down on the pin. Hard to. I ran my finger lightly against the words. It WAS indented. I stood up slowly picking up the mask and wincing as my headache got worse. I walked to my room numbly, unsure why. Was he in danger? was he angry that I was..in the state that i was? What state was that exactly? I walked into my room Tossing the mask to my bed, not looking at it as i did so, but looking at my computer.
    I paused. Where was the thunk of it hiting my matress?
    "This is brakable you know" A sad voice whisperd softly behind me. I turned around my eyes wide. How did he get in here. He was siting on the edge of my bed holding the mask looking down at it. I moved closer to my door.
    "If this is a joke...its not funny. I dont like having halucinations..so can you please leave?" I asked shakily hoping i sounded calm. He looked up at me like I had just told him his sister died. Crap. He stood up and I moved back.
    "Those werent halucinations....what did you see?" He asked not moving from his spot in front of the bed. He looked almost to tired to walk let alone move. I wanted to help him...but at the same time i was terrified of him. I was losing my mind and he seemed concerned..but like having halucinations was normal. I just shook my head tears coming to my eyes. I just wanted this to stop. My headache...the halucinations..this fear..all of it. I was terrified. Recognition crossed his face before hurt did.
    " Im not going to hurt you....I want to help you, I would have come in the more mannerd way, but I didnt have time to think it through. Makayla, Im trying to help you. Please you could be in danger." he raised his arms as if expecting me to run into them To be honest..i thought about it. The air around him felt so calm so...protective. What was wrong with him? "Please...I need to help you....I cant live without you." That did it. I burst into tears falling to the floor on my nees. This was so much. I was so lost and confused and the longer he stayed the more my head hurt. But the more I didnt want him to leave. I felt cold arms wrap around me and hug me close to him.
    "I just want this to stop." I cried, "I just want to know whats going on....please" I whisperd looking up at him.
    "Makayla" He whisperd. I looked up at him and gasped in shock. I stood jumping away from him. My heart thunderd loudly. What was this? From his back two large black featherd wings spread out beautifly. At least six, seven, maybe even nine feet wide. They spread out the tips touching the opposite walls. He remained siting on the floor, looking away from me. What was he? Then it flashed in my head again. Me and him...wings sprouting from our back. I locked my jaw refusing to let the visions take over again. He looked up at me his eyes determined and in so many places it hurt to look at him.
    "What....what are we" I asked knowing that whatever this was. We were both the same. I walked over to him slowly tired of this so soon. I fell to my nees in front of him and held his chin gently, but just so he couldnt look away from me. "No games.....what are we?" I asked again. As he looked debatingly into my eyes I thought. I knew i should be freaking out. An angelic like creature possibly somthing worse was sitting in my room. I had no idea what was going through his head or if this was just part of a drug I had goten. But I wasnt afraid. Somewhere deep deep inside of me. I knew this was somthing I had to face. Somthing that had always been a part of me. Funny how visions can do that to a person huh? I gave a short laugh mentaly. I had to get through this. Time to push reality in a cabnet. Time to push fear in a closet and throw away the key.
    "I wish it had been so easy for me. Locking fear and reality away." He whisperd. "I have always been able to hear your thoughts but..." He stoped pulling away from me. I let my hand fall to my lap. Okay. So he could read my mind. He had wings why not? I gave an involuntary hysterical laugh. His eyes looked at me in wonder and again the sadness and partial anger that had tooken over his soft face for so long was present. I couldnt take it.