• They play there, splashing around in the water. My friends; some of them are wading in the sea and some are jumping over the waves that break on the shore. Some of them seem like they’ve never been to a beach before. Though the truth is, the weather has never been good enough to spend the whole day at the beach. Today, however, the weather is beautiful, and I’m just thankful that, for once, they’re all having fun, together.

    I can hear the symphony of laughter from down by the sea and I can hear the sound of the warm summer wind, forming into a gentle breeze. It’s making miniature whirlwinds out of the sand and shells below me. I appreciate these things in life, the simple things, which nobody else seems to find interesting. The beauty of the waves, picking up strength and then throwing themselves to the floor… I could admire that magnificence forever.

    Underneath the natural sounds of the beach and the happiness of my friends, I hear a calm breathing. It’s a little strange that I would be able to hear such a quiet noise while surrounded by noises much louder, but I do. Looking over to where the breathing is coming from, my eyes meet the sight of the most handsome boy I’ve ever seen.

    I’m not even sure if handsome is a strong enough word to describe him with. He has the most dazzling hair, the colour of sunrise, that shines in the light of the sun, each ray reflecting off of each hair with a sparkle of light. His blue eyes watch my friends attentively, interested in everything they do and every move they make.

    I wonder if he’d enjoy my company. He looks so lonely, the stunning beauty doubtlessly glad of his friends happiness. Should he look towards me, and our eyes meet, would there be that fuzzy feeling of butterflies in my stomach that I’ve heard so much about? If he were to kiss me, maybe a few months from now, would there be a tingling sensation on my lips, coupled with a firework display around me?