Nikki's mother dropped her off at school that day, not knowing that this could be the last time she ever saw her. But as all irony stories go, Niki and her mother are in the middle of a huge fight. Her mother wouldn't let her go to the spring dance this weekend with her friends Amanda and Seirra.
They have been looking forward to that dance for a vey long time. But anyways, as Nikki climed out of the huge SUV, he mother said "Have a good day hun!" but Nikki responded with a mumbled "Whatever."
Amanda and Seirra greets Nikki outside of the school, while they wait for them to open the front doors. "Hey nikki! How's it goin'?" greeted Seirra.
"Ugh still not speaking with mom.."
"I know how ya feel, but cheerup! We'll find some way to get ya to go." comforted Amanda.
"Hey! I know what will cheer you up! a jumbo cherry slushy down at the 7/11!" Seirra said hopefully.
"That does sound good...but how we gunna get one?School is going to start soon." wonderd Nikki.
"No biggie! it will only take us a few minutes to get one and come back. pweeeeeze can we go?" asked Seirra.
"Yeah! Sounds yummy in the tummy!" joked Amanda.
"Well...I dunno. I dont think its a good idea." said Nikki
"Oh come on! Goody two shoes! Are ya chicken?" Shouted Amanda while doing the chicken dance.
"I'm not a chicken!" yelled Nikki. She really didnt want to go because she knew that its wrong and she would dissapoint her mother. But she didnt want them to call her a chicken and a baby.
"But sure whatever...lets go." Nikki reluctantly agreed.
They headed down to the 7/11. The whole way there Nikki had a bad feeling. She knew if they got caught her mother would be furious. She kept telling herself shes letting herself down and her mom too. In less then ten minutes they arrived at the 7/11.
Seirra and Amanda raced throught the doors and headed straight for the slurpie station.
Nikki just shrugged and rummaged through some old teen magazines. But something was just not right. Nikki couldnt get that bad feeling to go away. Soon after Nikki set down the Seventeenmagazine, something made her turn around and look outside. A giant, white minivan pulled into the parking spot with a roar. The van looked like one of those they use for companys but the odd thing there wasnt any stickers or logos on it. Just plain white. The slidding door of the van slid open and two guys jumped out and one guy got out of the drivers seat. they looked like trouble. Nikki ran towards her friends but it was too late. The three men entered the quiet, pratcally empty store, and brought out guns.
"Everyone stop what your doing and get on da floor!" yelled one of the dark clothed men.
Taken- chapter 1
4ever_lost in_ ur eyes
Nikki and her friends decide to go to the local convienent store before school. Little did they know that an innocent trip for a slurpie could cost them their lives. This is the frist chapter of my story. Please comment and rate.
All comments are appreciated. If you like this chapter, please look up chapter 2 under my user name. Thanks!
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