• Kiba:IT'S KIBA!Katana:Yep.Thats him.Kiba:U looked diffrent back then.Katana:yeah.I was 15.Kiba surprised .Were u and Kiba close.Katana:yeah.he was like my husband.Hahaha.Kiba:Hahaha.Y did u leave?Katana:I had no chioce.Kiba:did u leave pepole u loved behind alot?Katana:yeah.Kiba:was it to protect them?
    Katana:yeah.Kiba:y did u have to leave him behind?Katana:u.
    Kiba:Me?Katana:yeah.u.Kiba:I wasn’t born until u were with Kouga.Right?
    Katana:…..Kiba:Kouga’s not my dad is he.Katana:No.Kiba:That means that Kiba is.Katana:yeah.Kiba:Y DIDN’T U TELL ME THEN!Katana:BECAUSE!Kiba:He doesn’t know does he.Katana:No.Kiba:Y NOT!Katana:Because.Kiba:U should have told him!Katana:It would have made him panic trying to figure out wat to do!Kiba:So u did it so he wouldn’t have to go though the stress.u did it to….protect him.Katana:yeah.u got it faster then any one that ever knew.Kiba:who else knows?Katana:Naruto.Kiba:That’s y u to were so close he was the only 1 u could trust to tell.Katana:yep.Kiba:It all makes sense now.Katana:Wat makes sense?Kiba:Y u’ve been so sad latly.Katana:Y have I been so sad latly.Kiba:Its almost my birthday!Katana:Y would I be said because of ur birthday(He’s right I am sad because of his birthday.I must be the worst mother in the world for this!)Kiba:Because that’s when u had to leave him.Katana: crying Kiba:I was right then!Katana:*crying and talking at the same time*I had no chioce to leave!u think I wanted to leave him!I loved him with all my heart!and I’m sad because of ur birthday ur right!it’s because u look so much like him!And every time I look at u I think of him and I fell empty inside!Not even Kouga could fill that empty void in my heart!*still crying*Kiba: (Wow she’s had a rough life.now I know y she always happens to have to work on my birthday.and y she vists narutro so much.She lies about Kiba all the time.And says that she was in love with Naruto and never mentions him.)Does Kouga know about this?Katana:No.And he won’t!
    Kiba:Y?Katana:Because he would go off!And say y don’t u just go and marry him and take u and Kona with me.Kiba:He wouldn’t say that.Katana:Yeah,he would I’ve tried to tell him and he gets ticked and we start yelling at each other and I lock him out of our room and the house.Kiba:O.Katana:yeah.I’ll probly leave and go see Naruto soon.U want to come?Kiba:YEAH!Katana:Theres a surprise for ur birthday there,too.Kiba:WHAT IS IT!?Katana:I don’t Know.Naruto wouldn’t tell me.Kiba:How long has Naruto known u?Katana:Since I was 4.Kiba:WOW!He’s known u a long time.Katana:yep.
    ~4 weeks later~
    Katana:Come on Kiba time to go!Kiba:Mom Aren’t u going to tell every one ur leaving again?Katana:No if I leave they’ll know where I am and if ur missing they’ll figure out where u r.Now come on and get on.Kiba:How far is it?Katana:Maybe a 4 day ride counting eating and sleeping.Kiba;That’s not to far.Katana:Well if we were on foot it would be a 3 week hike not counting eating and sleeping.Kiba:WOW!It’s actually pretty far away.Katana:Yep.The first time I left it took me 2 weeks to get there,even on Kiko.Kiba:yKatana:Because I didn’t train Kiko enough so he was slower.Kiba surprised .Katana:We’re going to ride till sunset then make camp.k.Kiba:Ok.
    Katana:Kiko down.Kiko razz rrrrrr.Kiba:*Yawn*Wats for supper?Katana: Does every guy ask that question!Kiba:Haha Apparently so because even Kiko is haha.Katana:Haha ur right haha.Kiba:haha!Katana:Ur answer is Ramen.
    ~After supper~
    Katana:Time for bed Kiba.Kiba:y the moon isn’t even in the middle of the sky yet!Katana:ur not going to bed at midnight!Kiba:Fine.Night mom.Katana:night Kiba.
    Katana:Time to get up!Kiba:*groan*Fine*yawn*Katana:Ur not a morning person r u?Kiba:No.Katana:Me nethier.But if we start now we can take a short cut and skip 3 days of traveling.And u can sleep while we ride.Kiba:Ok.
    ~through the short cut~
    Katana:We’re almost there!Kiba biggrin o I get to meet Kiba?Katana:Yep.Kiba:When!Where!Katana:When we get there and his house.Kiba:Y his house.Katana:That’s where we’re staying.I made the arrangements the last time I was here.Kiba:O.What r u going to call him so we know which one ur talking to.Katana:I’ll call wat I always call him.Kiba:whats that?Katana:BRO!Kiba:O.U didn’t have to yell!Katana:No it’s him!Kiba:O.
    ~they land in the hidden leaf village~
    Katana:BRO!!!Kiba1:KATANA!!!Katana:*Gives Kiba1 a huge hug*Kiba1:I missed u soo much!Katana:Same here!Kiba:mom is this him?Katana:yep.This is him(haha Kiba may be 7 but he still hides behind me a little when he’s scarred)Kiba1:Who’s this?Katana:Bro this is Kiba.Kiba:Hi.Kiba1:Hi?Y did u name him after me?Katana:So I wouldn’t ever forget u.Kiba1: Oh.Ok that makes sense haha.Katana:hahaha.Kiba:Wats ur dogs name?Kiba1:Akamaru.Kiba:He’s so adorable.Akamaru:Woof!Katana:I think he likes u haha.Kiba1:I agree haha!Kiba:hahaha I think ur right.Kiba1:So wat have u been doin.I heard u were here for a month.y didn’t u come see me?Katana: I was training Kiko and myself all the time I was here.Kiba:*running and laughing with Akamaru and Kiko*Kiba1:y don’t u move back here with ur son Kiba.haha that sounds funny.Katana:haha it does.how about we call him by his nikename.Kiba1:Ok.wat is it.Katana:Wolf.Kiba1:Y is his nikename wolf?Katana:He loves wolves like I do and he’s always hanging out with my wolf pack.Kiba1:Makes sense.Kiba:Kiko up!Kiko:Meooooooooow!*starts flying with Kiba on his back.*Katana:He loves to fly.Kiba1:Look at Akamaru.Katana:He wants up there with Wolf so bad.I can fix that Kiko pick up Akamaru.Kiko:prrrrrr!*Grabs Akamaru* Akamaru:woof!Kiba1,katana,&Kiba:Hahaha!Kiba1:come on lets get u two un packed.Katana:k.Kiko land.Kiko:Meooow!
    ~arrives at Kiba’s house~
    Kiba1:so wat r u 2 doing tomarrow?Kiba:ITS MY BIRTHDAY!AND MOM SAID THAT NARUTO HAD A SURPRISE FOR ME!Katana:*Whispers to Kiba1*Ur invited its at the training grounds.Kiba1:*Whispers back*Ok.*So how old r u going to be?Kiba:8.Kiba1:Hey,ur going to be a kid not a child.Kiba:yep.Katana:yay*sigh*more work.Kiba1:Hahaha u should have married Shikamaru instead of that Kouga dude hahaha.Katana:hahaha yeah right u crazy that’s to lazy haha!Kiba:Who’s Shikamaru?Katana:That’s right the only pepole u know r Temari,Gaara,Naruto,Kankuro and now the other Kiba.Kiba1:I know how bout me and u introduce wolf to every one.Katana:Hey,good idea!Then we an stop by and say hey to Naruto and then Temari and them.Kiba1:Great!lets go.Kiba:Mom when r u going to tell him.Katana:I’m not u r.Kiba:I’M WAT!Katana:U wanted to tell him so u can tell him ur self!Kiba:Fine!I will………Before we leave in 2 months.Katana:UR A LITTLE JERK!!U R GOING TO TELL HIM THE DAY AFTER TOMARROW!DO U HEAR ME YOUNG MAN!Kiba:U really do care bout him.U only yell at me like that when u don’t want someone to get hurt,or disappointed,or sad.Katana:Of course I care he’s like a brother to me! Kiba1:U 2 r slow!Hurry up!Katana:SHUT-UP BRO!Kiba1:well excuse me for my bad manners!Katana:quit trying to be werid.Kia1:I wasn’t trying!hahahah.Katana:haha haha.Kiba:I don’t get it? ~Katana and Kiba1 look at him funny~Kiba1:He is defiantly ur son!haha.Katana:That’s rude…but funny haha.Kiba:where r we going?Kiba1:Shikamaru’s place.Katana biggrin id him and Temari ever hook up?Kina1:No.But every one says they should.Katana:put my vote in there to then.O Bro Kiba has something to tell u.Kiba:IWAT!Kiba1:wat is it,wolf?Kiba:Well…uh…um…did…um..u…ever..Katana:would u hurry up and tell him already I an feel the yrs passing by!Kiba:*sticks out tongue*Did u ever date Katana!?Kiba1:Yeah.Kiba:How long?KIba1:um…3...4 yrs something like that.Kiba:y didn’t u marry her then?Kiba1:I was going to but then she disappeared.Katana:U were?Kiba1:Yes.I was but when u disappeared….I serched every where 4 u but I couldn’t find u.Now every time I think of u or look at pic of u it feels like….Katana:An empty void in ur heart that no one can fill but that person.Kiba1:U feel the same way don’t u.Katana:yeah.Kiba1:y did u run away?Katana:Turn around and u’ll see.Kiba1:*turned to see Kiba*U mean.Katana:yeah.Kiba1:No wonder he looks so much like me.Katana: (he maybe stupied but I don’t care I still love him)Yep.Kiba1:Y didn’t u tell me?Katana:I didn’t want to stress u out or make u panic because u wouldn’t know wat to do.Kiba1:So…I would have gotten over it.Katana:Yeah good point.Kiba:I told her she should have told u!Kiba1:Haha even he has more sense then u do!haha.Katana:hahaha.U would’ve been s good dad.Kiba:I still can be.Katana:I couldn’t just leave Kouga and my sisters and Kona.Kiba:Bring Kona with u.and I’m sure they would understand.As long as u were happy.Katana:Ur probly right.Kiba:I agree with Dad.Kiba1 biggrin ad?Kiba:Yeah,Dad.Kiba1:That actually sounds right.hm.Katana:I’m going to go and tell them.Be back tonight.Kiba:It took us 2 days?Katana:That’s because I didn’t take all the short cuts.Kiba1:Well go so we can hear the good or bad news.Katana:k.BYE!’
    ~Katana arrives at the house~
    Kouga:Hey babe.Wheres Kiba?Katana:with his dad.Kouga:No he’s not.Ki and moon:U TOLD HIM!FINALLY!Kouga:wat r u 3 talking bout?Katana:ur not Kiba’s dad Kiba is.Kouga:Not him again!Katana:HEY,HE IS VERY NICE AND MY FIRST LOVE WE WERE GOING TO GET MARRIED BUT I RAN AWAY BEFORE HE PROPUSEED TO ME THEN I MEET U.SOO I WAS ALREADY PREGANT!Kouga:U COULD HAVE TOLD ME!Ki razz ass the popcorn.Moon:here.Pass the pop.KI:here.Katana:Kona!pack all ur clothes and wat ever else u want we’re moving out!Kona:Is daddy coming?Katana:NO!Kona surprised .ok I sec.Ready!Katana:Go get on Kiko then.I’ll be there in a sec.Here Moon&Ki here r driections to my new house and the leaf village don’t give them to Kouga u got it!Ki&Moon:YES!Katana razz eace out me homeys…and Kouga.
    ~Katana and Kona leave and arrive at Kiba’s house an hour later at sunset~
    Kiba:Mommy’s home!!!Kiba1:hmm.o she is.Katana:Here we r Kona.Kona:it’s big here.Katana:guess wat u get to train to be.Kona:WAT!?Katana:A ninja like ur brothers going to be and wat me and Ur new dad Kiba is.Kona:New?Katana:Yep.Kona:Ok.Kiba1:That didn’t take long.Kona:Him new dad?Katana:Yep.Kiba1:This must be Kona.Didn’t u have her with Kouga.Katana:yeah.Kona biggrin addy?Kiba1:huh?Kona biggrin ADDY!*Gives Kiba a huge hug as he picks her up.*Kiba:haha.U r adjusting well.Kona:*snuggles up to Kiba1*U smell like a daddy.Kiba1:I do?Katana:Aparrently so haha.
    ~a week later Kiba1 and Katana go married~

    THE END!!!!