• “Hide, Rachel… they’re coming. They’re going by groups now, by six or seven. Run, run far away. Run to Ontario. Catch the next flight to Tremeria. I don’t give a crap where you go, just if it’s far away. I don’t want to lose you, even if I have to sacrifice myself to save you.”He looked around. “Go.” He slapped me on my lower back. “On second thought, you go ahead to Tremeria with Daielle, I don’t have time to take you.” He nodded at Dai. He hesitated, and took off. I didn’t think twice before yelling, “WAIT!” Just as sudden he left, he was back. “Yes Rachel? Listen, I have to go…” I grabbed him, so tight it was hard to breathe. I forgot about the heat part of him, and we lip locked for what seemed a long time, but it felt like it was ended seemingly too soon. “Wasn’t there supposed to be something for me?” Daielle and I were shocked that we said the same thing, but she had said her instead of me. James was himself for a second. “How did you know and I forget?” He dug into his pocket. “Here, I guess you know what it is. It has a picture of me and you. He pecked me on the cheek.
    I stared at the place he once stood for what felt like forever. Daielle hugged me. "He's one of the most powerful Fire Mages I know. He woun't die in war, especially against these losers. Suddenly, she grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. "Ok. Grab on, get comfortable, and hold tight. Oh yeah, not to mention shut up. No offence, it's just this takes patience and time, and concentration." I nodded as I hopped on the werewolf's back. I trusted Daielle and all, but... there was something about Tremeria that frightened me. It wasn't the slums- no, they were no slums at all! But, it was the way I was treated.
    On the 2 minute trip there, I thought about these things:
    1. How fast we were going around the earth
    2. Why James was a mage and how
    3. How Dai could turn 'were' at anytime
    4. Why this stupid war was called
    5. Why James was pulled into the war.
    Of course I knew the answer to 5. It was because he was one of the stongest, yet not advisory mages.

    And this is where we stopped at the breathtaking land of Tremeria.