• Crimson roses cascaded down her sleeping form. Rose petals lay softly on her blonde hair. The girl slowly opened her eyes. her light blue gaze stared at the man standing beside her, a dreamy look on her face. “Stop it Kie,” she said in a soft bell voice, Kie bent forward to kiss her rosy lips, “Good morning my sweet Liliana,” he said in a velvety tone. Liliana slowly sat up, “my sweet Kie, I have only known you for a few days but my heart flutters when I see your beautiful face,” she said with a quiet laugh. He laughed, he sat beside the angelic woman, he touched his throat, a look of discomfort on his face. He began to cough, his face turning pale. Liliana smiled, a malicious laugh tore from her throat, Kie looked at her in shock, his veins turning black under his grey skin. Liliana’s features began to change, her hair shortened and became snow-white, her blue eyes became lighter, her rosy lips turning black as a crack split from them to the side of her face. “oh poor Kie, fall for an angel and end up dead. To bad only demons exist huh?” the woman said in a dark voice. “Liliana,” Kie croaked as he reached towards the woman. “Name’s Gemma, Liliana is just a stage name babe.” She said with a smile, the crack on her face cutting deeper into her flesh. Kie fell on his side, life leaving his glassy eyes. Gemma laughed, black ink crawled up her arms as she rolled the body onto the floor. “Spike dinner!” she called as she sat back on the bed. A large furless, misshapened Doberman formed out of the shadows, his face was held together with barbed wire. The dog happily trotted over to Gemma, with a cold smile she pointed to the other side of the room. Licking his lips, Spike trotted to the other side of the bed. Bones snapped and flesh tore with a wet ripping sound as the dog feasted on the corpse.