• Ahkmid The Dead Terroest is the world's worst terrorest this is the tale of a noble quest handed down from dish durka derka himself to blow up the grunny santuary...

    One day akhmid blew himself up ..again in the gunny sainctuary now gunnys piss on him forever but one faithfull day the grunny pissed on a huge 4 headed snake for no apparent reson then a bird took a dump on the 3rd head of the snake so the snake strikes Akhmid and gives him poliosis but thainkfully Akhmid's pelvis erupted in flame it was the sacred spirit of Durka Durka Muhamud himself and slue the snake he did with a swift kick to the gorgazoids then as Durka pissed on the grunny everyone blew up
    the end i keel u