• Intro
    The morning sunlight of Japan bathed the land, it’s light reflecting off pools of water. Yuri took one look at the land and sneered. The evil mage touched her necklace and let out a smoky glow, waving her arms in a circle. Yuri waved her arms faster, creating a huge ball of light. Yuri spread the smoky ball of light over the land. The Sakura blossoms and trees wilted, plants died, clouds covered the sky. “Too bad, Japan!” No one would know who had done this. They were all too stupid to know that she had turned on all of Japan. She did it for a reason. Why did you have to share magic for lousy people? Yuri wanted it all for her. She wanted revenge for the people that took her magic and used it to make Japan a big “happy” place. She hated it so much! Who would need to do that for an already happy place? A warm tear slided down her cheek. What was happening? She wasn’t supposed to be crying! Two more tears slid down her face. Tears of happiness? Or tears of sadness? More tears now. She stamped her foot on the ground. She didn’t need to hang around in this dump any longer.

    Chapter 1: What Happened?

    Beep! Beep! Beep! Sky’s alarm clock went off, destroying the peacefulness in her bedroom. She warily got up and shut off the alarm clock. Sky squinted at the calendar, it read “First day of school.” The girl’s eyes widened. Today was the first day of middle school! Slipping on a pair of clothes, she slid to the bathroom. Sky brushed her short black hair with her comb, the way she always did it. She picked up her green toothbrush and started to brush her white teeth. After the black haired girl put down her toothbrush, she looked at herself from the mirror. Her green eyes stared at her. She loved them. They were the color of plants, and more.
    Just one more thing… She picked up a light green hair band and stared at it. It had a green leaf pattern, with a Sakura blossom smack in the middle. It had been her favorite hair band for a long time. The green eyed girl slipped it on and then rushed downstairs .Her mother looked at her and shook her head. ”Sky, it’s middle school. You need your uniform.” Sky sighed and stomped upstairs, slowly putting on her school uniform. When she trudged back downstairs, her older brother looked at her and shook his head. Sky felt a cold remark coming, and she prepared for the impact.
    “You gonna talk more? In elementary school, you only made one frien-”
    “Nee! Be quiet!” Her father shouted, his eyes stern. It was usual of her older brother to say things like that to her. Usually, she felt normal, nothing to offensive or bad. But this time, she felt a like a snow storm just appeared and was covering her. Sky looked down. “No, I’m not.” Her father stared at her, a funny look on his face.
    “You’re not?” Nee questioned.
    “I like it the way I am.” Sky’s voice was quiet and shaky, the way it always was. Sky was the kind of girl that liked quiet, liked peacefulness. That’s just the way she was. Sky picked up her backpack and touched the cold door. Right away, she felt a tinge of pain. What was that? She thought. Pushing open the door with her shoulder, a harder, stronger spasm of pain hit her with full force. She then realized where it came from. Every single plant…was dead. The air felt ghastly and smoky. The pink Sakura blossoms had fallen off of the trees, blanketing the ground. Gray clouds covered the sky, blocking all the sunlight. For some strange reason, she could feel all of the plants’ pain.
    Sky felt a warm tear slide across her cheek. She was crying for the plants. She was crying with them. As she walked across the street, a thought popped up in her head. Why was everything so quiet? What had happened to the once lively, happy, colorful and vibrant Japan? Her foot touched yellow grass the color of butter. She was in the school grounds.
    Finally, a single, warm smile lit up her face. Her friend, her one friend she had made in Elementary school, was 10 feet in front of her. “Blaze, over here!” she waved her over. Suddenly, a very creepy weird sensation took over her body. For a second, she thought Blaze was being controlled by something, someone. Stop being silly, she told herself, nothing’s wrong, except for the plants. Now you are probably thinking ,Why isn’t she shy? Blaze is her best friend, so she’s never silent around her. Blaze turned and looked at her. For some strange reason, Blaze really didn’t seem like…Blaze. She looked normal. Today she was wearing blue capris and a shirt that said “Music is everything” written in cursive. Pink fingernail polish, a sparkly belt, and matching sandals completed the look. Blaze twirled her blond hair as she walked up to Sky. She cocked her head and stared into Sky’s eyes. “Green the color of puke.” She said, laughing. Sky froze in place. What’s wrong with Blaze? She never said mean things to her, never.
    “Uhhh, Blaze, what’s wrong with you today?”
    “Nothing, idiot!”
    “Well, you seem kind of, well, grumpy today.” Sky felt worse as Blaze stared into her eyes, making a face.
    “You think you are so great, don’t you? Well, look, there are lots of people who do that, and those who do that are considered dummies!” Sky looked down. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry! She forced herself to look up. If I cry, she will continue to pick on me, and I’ll be a target, she thought. The green eyed girl then noticed something. Blaze didn’t have on her uniform!
    “Blaze, why don’t you have your uniform on? Its middle school isn’t it?” Blaze flushed a deep pink, and stomped the ground.
    “I hate you!!!” Two hard hands pushed Sky onto the dirt ground. “You deserved that!” Blaze yelled, as she walked away into the school building.
    Chapter 2: New Friends

    Two dirty shoes trudged into the school building. Sky spit out a small pebble that some how found its way into her mouth when she fell. Putting a hand onto her blue locker, she studied it. It was a little dirty from last year, but she could fix it up. After the second try, she unlocked her locker. Sky pulled out three small posters all related to plants. Taping it to her mirror, she then pulled out a calendar and placed it on the inside door of her locker.
    The plant lover looked at her schedule and ran to her room. She felt a cold breeze when she stopped at her door. Something evil was there, she just knew it! She didn’t want to get in, but something told her to. Get in, get in, a voice said in her head. Finally, she pushed open the door. Nothing bad or awful, but look! An empty desk was beside Blaze, tempting her to sit on it.
    “Mizuki! I thought you would never come!” Her teacher, Mr.Yue, said. “Sit next to Miyu please.
    “Mr.Yue! I want to be called Blaze. I prefer it instead of Miyu.” Blaze blurted out. Mr.Yue shushed Blaze.
    “Anyone else prefer to balled a different name?” No one raised their hand. Sky shakily put hers in the air. “Mizuki?”
    “I want to be called…Sky.”
    “Sky? What kind of dumb name is that?” Blaze smirked as she looked around the small classroom. A giggle came from someone in the class. Pretty soon, the whole class started to laugh!
    “Be quiet!” The teacher looked at Sky. “Miz- I mean Sky, I am so sorry! I don’t know what got into the class!” he said” and you!” Mr.Yue pointed to Blaze “ Will get a warning!” Blaze looked up at him with innocence.
    “ But I was only trying to get a laugh from this class! It was so dull!” The teacher looked at her for a moment, then shook his head.
    “Okay, but no more rude comments!” He turned to his desk and picked up a thick book. “Now everyone turn to page 4…”
    Sky trudged down the hall toward the exit. Everything was going wrong! She was the laughing stock of the whole school, people treated her like she was invisible, and worst of all, her best friend turned to her worst enemy, all in one day! “I hate this place.” She said under her breath.
    A small stone pathway led outside to the recess area. A horrible pain crept across Sky’s body as she caught a glimpse of the area, Not that pain again, she thought. Sky rubbed her shoulders, trying to lessen the agony . I could fix this, no problem! Taking out some of her homework, she placed it onto a green picnic table. “ I could do my homework!” If she kept this up, then she would have no homework after school! A small smile crept onto her face. Taking out a stubby pencil, she began.
    “Misty! Where are you?” The pink haired girl called, scanning the area. “Stop being silly, come on out!” A head peeped out from behind a drinking fountain. Pretty soon, she stepped out and revealed herself. Rose smiled. She would recognize that girl anywhere! Misty was wearing her blue hair in a pigtail. Usually she was wearing jeans and a royal blue T-shirt, but of course, she was wearing her school uniform. The blue haired girl opened her mouth to speak.
    “Excuse me, but, have you seen my best friend? She has long pink hair, and two small bits of it are tied into these loopy…thingies. Have you see-”
    “Stop being weird Misty! Come on!” The girls sprinted into the fields. What should they do? Race, Misty thought, trying to catch up to her buddy.
    “Let’s race” Misty called out. They both ran up to the fence.
    “One, two, three!” They sprinted down the terrain leaving dust as they ran. That’s when Misty noticed a girl sitting at a picnic table on the corner of her eye.
    “ HEY MISTY!” She shouted. “STOP!”