• Chapter 1: Alive

    I woke up surrounded by a wall of bits of robots...I was exhausted and felt like I had a hangover.
    It was just pounding inside my head...Then I opened my eyes and the scene was real. I wish it wasn't because when I did open my eyes I saw his face...Noah. It was half blown off and when I saw it on top of the mound I tried to run but my auto-mail leg had been tore off. I screamed until my lungs were sore... Then I saw the chopper flying right over me when... someone was thrown out. I couldn't believe it! It was Lt. Major. He landed on top of Noah. His head fell back toward me and I saw why he was thrown...He had a camera auto-mail eye. He was a spy! It just hit me like a punch to the gut. It was like most Lieutenants, he had an eye-patch. (And it was apparently see-through) So I kept to screaming and I thought I saw someone looking...but I didn't. It was hopeless. I just put my back to the ground and lie there...
    motionless... letting my eyes hastily droop over my tired, full of depression eyes.

    Chapter 2: ...Found

    I opened my eyes the next day to a sound of rustling the nearly dead bushes. I turned my head which felt like trying to move a 200 pound medicine ball. I was stunned to find a small wolf cub. I stood up and tried to pet it but it would keep running away from my hand. So I gave it up. I tried to coax it over with the soothing sound of my voice... as I started talking to it, he came up to me and started licking my face. He was very friendly and his owner (I think)
    came and asked if his dog was bothering me. Totally oblivious to my stub of a leg. Then he looked down at my leg and muttered something under his breath. Everything started to float in the air and I thought I heard my jaw hit the ground. He smiled a great big smile, unaware of his fangs being elongated. I stared at him and he got this confused look on his face and I snapped out of it. I asked " What is your name?" he replied this " My name is Benjamin Tod.
    Why Do You Ask?" I was speechless and he licked his teeth and saw the problem. " Ah."
    He said " I see." He opened his mouth wide where I could see his throat.. Then before I could blink I felt this sharp pain in the left side of my neck...

    Chapter 3: " Once Bitten, blah, bla-blah, blah, blah, blah."

    He slipped his fangs out of the side of my neck and I looked down at my leg because I realized everything fell to the ground and My leg was back and it was much more durable.
    I looked at him and he was gone. I stood up. He was nowhere and I felt a tap on my back and with cat-like agility and mind-blowing speed I whipped around and had my hand at Benjamin's throat. "Bravo, Zero." he said applaudingly. " How did you know my name, Ben?"
    I asked curiously. " Now, Now Zero, I have been studying you for quite some time. I thought It would be nice to have a new... recruit for our vampire slayer society," He said. "Now wouldn't it?" I just stood there. Astounded. I nodded wearily but I followed hastily behind him toward the Slayer Society. I looked around when everyone stood up and ran to me in a wink. Except for one. He looked lonely. Rejected, almost. I nodded at him and smiled. He looked back and turned to run but in an instant I had a hand on his shoulder stopping him with my vampire strength. It was weird. He actually didn't fight back but just turned at me with misty eyes. I knew something was wrong with this society. He mouthed one word to me... run.
    I took his advice because I thought he was human so I turned and said that I was going to go for a walk with him. He just stared at me. I mouthed Let's Go... NOW! We ran before they could realize what was going on. He got tired really fast because he was human. I lifted him up and ran with my fastest speed. Leaving them in the dust...

    Chapter 4: A Little Towards In the Middle of Nowhere!