• The wind howled and screeched, making a terrible noise that Tsukiko could hear even though the window was closed. Her lilac colored curtains blew away from the closed window, as if they were trying to run from something. Tsukiko was only 6 years old, but her ways were more like a 10 year old. She sat up in bed, watching the curtains brushing the air with large strokes, while making a thwip thwip noise, with boredom. Takamura wasn't a very exciting place to live, but it was the place her father wanted to live, and he never wanted to live anywhere else. She sighed as the wind whined it's unhappy song. It all seemed so depressing, living here, but Tsukiko was determined to make it happy. What couldn't be more happy about having a sick mother and a even more depressed father. Her door creaked open suddenly, at the person moving it was revealed to be her father, with tears running down his face. "Tsuki.." he began to say, before putting his head down. "Your mother..The doctor couldn't do anything. Your mother passed away." He bowed down his head, as if he was going to pray. "If you'd like, you can say goodbye." Tsukiko nodded, carefully stepping out of bed, and tip toeing down the hallway with her father, into the room where her mother had been resting. Tsukiko could remember the last words she had told her mother, a quiet goodnight. A tear trickled down her face as she looked at her mother's pale face, her pale green eyes closed and non scrunched up. She looked so peaceful, lying on a clean bed sheet that Tsukiko had helped her father wash earlier, so peaceful that Tsukiko wanted to join her right away, and leave behind the gloomy village of Takamura, where her father had met her mother. Tsukiko could hardly stand looking at her now deceased mother anymore, she tore down the hallway into her room, and threw herself on her bed in tears, wishing that she could of saved her mother. She fell asleep before she could think any longer, and awoke to her father sitting on he bed. "Tsukiko." he said in his ost serious voice. "I want to teach you about why were here right now."