• My eyes snapped open as if from a deep sleep. I was falling. It was impossible to see anything, it was so dark but I could feel it. The air seemed to be rushing through my sandy brown hair as I sped faster and faster in the dark abyss. It was hard to tell time has it been minutes or mere seconds or maybe even hours? Am I dying?
    I crashed into the cold wet ground. I laid there dazed face down. I waited for pain to come but it never did. The smell of sweet grass filled my nose. I rolled myself over, to lay flatly on my back, and looked up at the sky. It was night and large black clouds were forming. An icy wind blew right through my jacket causing me to shiver. I ached all over. I couldn’t even get up. The grass of the ground was poking my side, irritating it but still I couldn’t move. I tried to pick my head up but it proved to be too difficult so I turned my head to the side. Standing there tall and proud was my school; a large sign saying Welcome to General Brown. A bare tree stood a few feet from the door making the school look even more forlorn.
    A water droplet hit my nose. I looked back up and instantly wished I didn’t, the rain started to pour. I don’t even think it was rain. It was just buckets of water being dumped on me. Buckets can’t even be large enough, it was like a sea. Instantly, I was saturated. I found I couldn’t breathe anymore. I was drowning in the downpour. An adrenaline rush started to kick in and I used the new found strength to lift myself off the now soaked and muddy ground and ran towards the nearest cover, the school.
    When I reached the door I tried to yank it open. The door was locked. “Great”, I mumbled to myself. My only hope of escaping this constant downpour was in the school. I pounded on the door even though I knew it wouldn’t help.
    Then the door opened. It was all by itself, I swear. I stepped into the school and found it was pleasantly warm but dark. I looked back out side and jumped. I couldn’t even see out the window it was jet black outside. Not like it was dark but more like it just disappeared. The only sound in the whole school sounded like rain on the roof but looking out the doors it seemed like there was nothing at all. I grabbed the door handle to push and pulled my hand back quickly. On the handle was a soft peach towel. It wasn’t there a second ago. That could only mean one thing. I wasn’t alone.
    I shivered again and decided to use the towel. I was soaked and frozen so it was nice having something. On the towel a little card was pinned on. On the card it read:
    Hope this keeps you warm child.
    -Crystal Evermore
    Ok this is getting a little weird. I wrapped the towel around me and discovered that it was giving heat off like an electric blanket. If I ever see this lady I should thank her.
    I started to wonder around and started walking down a hall. It was dark but not to the point where you couldn’t see. It was empty and it felt lonely. Rows of dark red lockers covered the old gray walls with classroom doors every few feet or so. My shoes echoed as I started walking down the hall. I suddenly stopped. Ahead of me there was a little girl.
    She was dancing with a green ribbon on a thin wooden stick. Her motions were flawless as she twirled in circles. Her long curly dark hair bouncing to the strange song she was singing. The dress she was wearing was white and frilly with a green sash are the middle. It spun and moved with her. She stopped suddenly and turned and looked at me.
    In her other arm was a beautiful golden teddy bear. The girl looked so young and innocent. Something about her caught my attention as she walked towards me. It wasn’t the dress or the teddy bear or even the ribbon. It was her eyes.
    Even though she was still a good distance away her eyes seemed intensified. They were large and the color of the sky. But if you paid close enough attention you could see little clouds moving in her eyes. I couldn’t seem to pull myself away from her eyes; they looked as if they bore right into mine, into my soul.
    I don’t know how long I was staring in to her eyes. It seemed as if I was staring into the sky and not her. Everything turned into slow motion, even her walking towards me. The girl turned her head to a door and I was finally free from her eyes after what seemed like eternity and was free to move.
    “Stay,” the girl hushed. Her voice was musical like a flute. High pitched but soft. I listened to the girl and stayed where I was. She looked back at the door and it swooshed open.
    A taller, young woman stepped onto the hall. She pushed her dark curly hair out of her face and looked at me intently with emerald green eyes. Uneasiness filled her eyes and she should be the one to be worried. I was the in a hallway filled with strangers. I was becoming more and more terrified.
    “Don’t be scared,” she said softly. Her voice was almost exactly like the little girl’s, musical and soft. It was light and relaxed.
    Another woman stepped out of a door near my left. In her hand she held a white cane and walked a few steps toward me. Her blind white eyes flashed straight at me, into my eyes.
    “Don’t worry you have nothing to worry about,” she told me in a rougher voice than the other two but hers seemed more comforting but it didn’t stop the fear rising like a lump in my throat.
    “Don’t be afraid.”
    Afraid? Who me? Yeah right. I was downright petrified. I couldn’t move. I realized my hands were shaking but it wasn’t just my hands. It was my whole body. I was shivering and it wasn’t because I was cold either. How can she look straight at me if she was blind?
    The little girl came out from behind the taller woman, who looked like it was her mother, and skipped up to me singing, “I know a secret. I know a secret...”
    When she finally reached me she motioned for me to come closer. She leans and whispered in my ear, “You’re one of us.”
    I felt a cold breeze blow in my face and looked down at the little girl. Angel wings where shaking themselves out. Angel wings?
    “Are you dead?” I whispered to the girl, “Am I dead?”
    She giggled. “Of course not, silly.”
    I started shaking more violently than before. “Then why do you have angel wings?”
    She cocked her head to the side and looked at me like I was missing something obvious. She shook her head and said, “I was born with them.”
    That was it. I turned and ran back down the hall. I ran faster and faster until I crashed into a wall.
    “Well, hello there.” The wall spoke.
    Shaking I looked up at the wall. It was a person and he was looking down at me, his hard light brown eyes looking into my soft blue ones. His lips curved slightly into a small smile.
    I screamed again and ran. I tried to run, as fast and far as I could. No matter how fast I ran I was going anywhere. It was hopeless. The man walked towards me with ease and I couldn’t even move. When he was less than a foot away from me I screamed. Not just any ordinary scream, a spine-chilling screech.