• Alice stands before her clutching a knife in her hand, eyes of pure evil, eyes of the Devil.
    "Please Alice, don't do this," Emily pleaded, tears spilling out of her light green eyes.
    "Why should I? You didn't give mercy to my brother when you killed him," Alice's voice was cold and hollow.
    "I didn't kill him!"
    "Liar!" Alice slapped Emily in the face, she reached a head up, rubbing where Alice just hit her. "You killed him. You drowned him. You let the young boy die. Why did you do it? Our family was always good to yours right? Even I was even though I wasn't even fond of you."
    “Please Alice, I didn’t kill Andy. He was like a brother to me! I could never let him die!” Emily was crying even more now. Alice didn’t care, she pushed Emily against the wall behind her, wrapping her hand around Emily’s neck. Her other hand still holding the knife, started cutting Emily’s light pink dress.
    “Look at you stupid, ugly pink dress, it’s all ripped and ruined. What a shame.” Alice started to laugh, a strange evil laugh.
    “Alice,” Emily said, her face was now red and she could hardly speak. “Please let go, I can’t breathe.” Alice let go and Emily fell to the ground putting a hand to her chest, gasping for air.
    “Happy now?” Alice smirked.
    “What the hell is wrong with you, you crazy emo girl?” Big mistake. Alice kicked Emily in the side with all her force over, and over, and over. Then she picked her up by the front of her dress slamming her against the wall again.
    “Don’t you ever call me ‘emo’ again.” Alice said, holding the knife against Emily’s neck. Alice put some pressure on the knife, blood started to ooze out of a cut on her neck. Emily ignored the pain in her neck, and glared at Alice.
    “You stupid little emo girl. Aw are you going to cry ‘cause you have no friends? Are you going to cut yourself because your family hates you?”
    Alice was staring at Emily, her face emotionless. Soon her emotionless face turned into fury. “Sterben Sie Weibchen.” Alice stabbed Emily multiple times in various areas. She dropped to the floor motionless. Emily’s blood stained herself, Alice and the wall behind her. A pool of blood was forming on the floor. Alice walked away as if nothing happened. She stopped before opening the door, and turned her head towards Emily’s corpse. “Oh, by the way, Happy Halloween.”
    Alice left the building only to find a group of police cars waiting for her. They all rushed up to her a tackled her to the ground. Some cops aiming guns at her. Other ran inside looking for the now dead Emily Parkinson. Handcuffs now around Alice’s wrists. Two cops escorted her to one of the cars.


    Now Alice is at a mental institution. She still thinks that Emily killed her little brother, it was proven that she was nowhere near Andy the day of his death, but Alice refuses to believe that. Her room that her sleeps in is covered in her own blood, from Alice repeatedly cutting herself. They tried to make her stop but she doesn’t listen to anyone anymore.
    Alice does keep having this reoccurring dream, of herself and Andy of there beach vacation with the Parkinson’s. In this dream Alice is alone with Andy playing and laughing. Then she grabs hold of Andy and dunks him underwater. She doesn’t let him come up for air, she keeps him underwater while he struggles to get back up to the surface. Every night this dream wakes her up, and she doesn’t know what this means.
    Alice met a girl also at the institution, they became really close friends, Alice tells her everything. One day on Halloween she was found dead, hanged by a rope in the basement.

    ~*~ Revenge is Bittersweet~*~