• Staring into the window of some dusty antique store, I was looking at the most beautiful bracelet in the world. Copper in color, it sat there, mocking me with it's inexplicably high price tag. I had to get it some how.

    Three months later, I stand in front of the store again, this time, with intentions of buying. It took my entire babysitting and lawn-mowing money to get it, but it was worth it.

    I soon walk out of the store, wearing the beautiful bracelet that I have been marveling for months. The shopkeeper, like his shop, tried to con me out of buying out, saying it was cursed or soemthing. Immediately, my life felt better after I bought the bracelet. People would compliment on it everyday. In fact, I got some stalkers and buyers, wanting to touch or buy it from me.

    One day, walking home from school, pondering the beauty of the bracelet, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It scampered away. I decided to follow it. I followed it across the street, and into the Forbidden Woods, as claimed by psycho teenagers. I followed it deep into the woods, no idea of what was ahead.

    It finally stopped in a clearing, whatever it was. Out of breath, I stopped 3 feet away from it's back. As soon as it turned around, I knew I should've listened to the shopkeeper. There was an ugly, rotting dead woman standing there, staring at my bracelet. "Thief!" it screamed. "Give me back my bracelet!" She then grabbed my wrist, and pulled me into a deep, black, bottomless hole.