• Scene- Parking lot at Forks High School
    (Bella's red truck pulls into the parking lot. She hits a students, sending them flying through the air, before pulling into a parking spot.)
    Bella: (thinking) My first day at a new school. It's March, middle of the semester.
    (The truck back fires as Bella turns it off. She opens the door and steps out of the truck. As soon as her foot hit the pavement she falls down. The students close by starts to laugh. Bella quickly gets back up.)
    Tyler: Smooth move.
    Bella: (under her breath) Got to hell.
    (Bella walks away with a big wet spot on her butt.)
    Tyler: (yelling after her) Already there! It's called Forks!

    Scene:Outside of Forks High School
    (Bella walks alone, looking at two blank pieces of paper. Eric appears out of no where, startling Bella. She even drops her papers.)
    Eric: You're Isabella Swan, the new girl.
    (Bella rolls her eyes as she picks up her papers.)
    Eric: Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place.
    Bella: Good for you. (under her breath) Creep.
    (Bella quickly walks away. Eric just stands there confused.)
    Eric: That wasn't suppose to happen.

    Scene: School Cafeteria
    (Angela, Jessics, and Bella sits at a table in the middle of the room. BElla just happens to look out the window as the Cullens walk by.)
    Bella: (stuttering) Who are they?
    (Angela and Jessica look over their shoulders. They then look back at Bella.)
    Angela: The Cullens.
    Jessica: They're Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids.
    Angela: They kind of keep to themselves.
    Jessica: Yeah, cause they're all together.
    (Rosalie and Emmett walks by.)
    Jessica: The blond girl, that's Rosalie, a total b***h. She's with the really beefy guy, Emmett.
    (Emmett grabs a student by the shirt collat as they crossed paths. Rosalie then grabs another student's lunch tray and hits the one Emmett had in the stomach. Bella flinches as she watches. Alice and Jasper than walks by.)
    Jessica: The little dark-haired girl's Alice. She's like really, really, really weird, and she's with the Jasper, the one who looks like he's in pain.
    (Alice spins around as she walks by. She ends up hitting several students as she passes them. Jasper walks by one student and smells the air. Alice then hits the kid and he falls to the ground.)
    Bella: (under her breath) Of course he's in pain. He's trying not to eat half of the student body.
    Angela: What was that?
    Bella: Nothing.
    (Edward then walks into the room. Bella sees him and falls out of her chair, but gets right back up.)
    Bella: Who's he?
    (Jessica looks over her shoulder at Edward with a smile. She then looks back at Bella and the smile disappears.)
    Jessica: That's Edward Cullen. He's totally gorgeous, obviously, but apparently nobody here is good enough for him.
    (Edward smiles as he walks by them. He isn't paying attention to where he's going so he walks into an empty table.)
    Bella: Isn't he suppose to be taller?
    Jessica: Aren't you suppose to be shorter?
    Bella: What did you just say?
    (Jessica looks over at Edward.)
    Jessica: Seriously, like, don't even waste your time.
    Bella: Wasn't planning on it.
    Jessica: I mean it. Stay away from him.
    Bella: All right.
    Jessica: Do you promise?
    Bella: I don't make promises. I just break them.
    Angela: You have to make a promise to break it.
    Jessica: Shut up, you anorexic cow!
    (Bella quickly stands up and jumps across the table, right on top of Jessica. Everyone starts to cheer.)

    Scene: Biology class
    (Mike leads Bella into the classroom. Mr. Molina sees them when they enter the room.)
    Mr. Molina: Miss Swan.
    (Bella walks toward him, right in front of a fan, which has no reason to be on since it's not hot or anything. Bella looks over at Edward as he starts to gag.)
    Mr. Molina: I got a seat for you next to the vampire, I mean right here.
    (Mr. Molina points to the empty seat next to the gagging Edward. Bella walks over to the seat as Edward looks like he might pass out. Bella sits down in the seat and looks at Edward. He pushes a shot glass of vodka towards her. He then swallows his own, glass and all. Bella reaches into her bag and pulls out a rotten wheel of cheese.)
    Bella: What's your deal-e-o?
    Edward: (gasping for air) Rotten cheese and wet dog doesn't exactly mix well toegther. I take it you met Jacob already.
    Bella: Is that suppose to be a joke about how Jacob is going to be a werewolf in the next movie?
    Edward: It was, now that you ruined it.
    (Bella gets a little angry. She pulls out a pencil and stabs Edward in the arm. Bella sees the blood and passes out as Edward runs out of the room screaming like a little girl.)
    Mike: One down, two to go!
    Eric: I can hear you!

    Scene-Parking lot at Forks High School
    Bella: (thinking) I planned to confront him and demand to know what his problem was. But he never showed. He wsa being such a big baby about the whole thing.
    (The Cullens drive up. They all look over at Bella, but quickly looks away. They were obviously scared.)