• Wierd noises I hear all around me. I do not know where they are coming from. First I hear a loud screech like the how little children sound laughing.

    It is dark and I am scared. I do not know how I got here. Here in this dark little square box. Have I been kid-napped or did I do this in my sleep? What going on around me?

    Hello....Hello...Anyone there? If so, can you help me? If you are there can you please get me out of this filthy box? I do not like it here and want to go home! Please come let me out!

    I am starting to think no one is here! Oh no now what am I suppose to do? Oh wait! I see a little hole with light coming through! Could it be that I will get out? I will try. Thats for sure.

    Almost got it open! Just let me get a little more strength. YES!!! Got it open! I am free atlast! Wait what is this? I am under a little green pine tree with these balls hanging down! And is that children I see?! And so that means I am a present! Yay! Now I will be loved by a child! I am the teddy bear they can drag around and be fine with it! Finally! I am free!