• The first day of my life I've always wondered why god would give us such horrible things to happen like the day my aunt ran over my dog or the day that my dad died that was an indeed bad day for me and my mom but we moved on and everything seemed to be alright until the day I went to college it was brutal especially when everyone calls you an idiot for no odd reason I promised my mom not to get mad at people like that but I dare not take it any longer it has been going on for long enough I'm tired of it and I sure did do something about it well it wasn't physical more of a mental battle really all we really did was stare at each other for awhile whilst everybody was looking at us I don't get those weird people it just makes no sense to me and every time I make a friend he ends up doing something uncalled for like spilling cheese all over my laptop in the middle of class or tearing my own picture collection up the only real friend I had was my mom she's not here though maybe I'll find somebody nice enough to me but for now you're the only one I can talk to so listen to me and listen well college sucks life sucks so if you hate it well you know what to do don't you yea take it out in a wonderful game of eating goldfish crackers Just like Gonthorian Master of Dragons Seducer Of women Eater of Goldfish Crackers enjoying of the show king of queens tweeter of what I am doing at the moment --------------------------anyways I've decided not to take it I will do What I have Always done Either Painfully hurt myself or cut myself it doesn't matter really it's just blood life is like a woman if you love it it will leave you in the cold alley with death hovering over you forever