Thomas didn’t know her name. In his mind she just the beautiful girl in the coffee shop. He never got the courage to go up to her. He never could tell her hi. He just knew every morning she sit down with a book. He knew she didn’t drink those fancy drinks. It was just coffee black. He sometimes ask himself if she ever had big dreams. He wondered if she was even happy. He believed the reason she sat there day after day was out of love of the quaint little shop. She was the girl of his dreams. It was lonely where he was because he didn’t even know her name. He often silently scream for her to talk to him. He wished that he could get off the stool and go to her. He was just to scared of rejection. To him she was a walking Venus de Milo. He often thought how wonderful it would be to sit beside her. He wanted to be the reason for her smile. Thomas thought about her all the time. She never left him when he slept. Every morning he awoke early just to be able to stare at her until he had to go to work. To some this was creepy but he never thought much of it. Countless moments passed by for him to have a simple excuse him to talk to her. He wrote countless letters he wanted to slip to her that got lost or thrown away. She seem to not have a life apart outside the little shop. She never seemed to miss a single day. Little things he noticed from his admiration of the girl like how she had matching scars on her wrists, the way she twirled her hair when the book must be getting intense, or how her blue eyes seem to have a hint of mist to them every time she took a sip from her cup. Thomas just never knew her name. Fear prevented him from just walking up to her just to say hi to the girl in the coffee shop.
Girl In The Coffee Shop
Every had a crush but was too afraid to speak to him/her? I wrote a short story with this idea in mind.
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