• I was laying in the shade of a wipeing willow, the sun was warm and i was ready for a cat nap. I was waring all black as usal, you see my name is Ushana Sohma if you have ever heard of the sohma curse then i need not tell you, im the cat well the "other" cat my brother is Kyo Sohma, we look nothing alike you see he has orange hair i have black hair that falls down to my waist. our eyes are the same cat green. I was taken from my brother when we where 6 Akido ( i really hope i spelled that right) she took me and rasied me i was trained as a weapon, i grew up in a household of rage and abuse. I was never allowed to play or associate with the other members of the zodac, nobody but kyo knows i am alive.
    i was laying there thinking, i had escaped from Hatori and Koureno not 2 hours ago, my animal is a black panther and sometimes you cant contain a wild animal. "hahahaha" i laughed to myself. i was free atleast for the moment. i was on Shugurie's land i knew i wasent suppoused to be butt i was here anyway. i missed my brother sooo much i was hopeing to cach a glimps of him, liveing with Akido i know things i know all adour that Honda girl, i want to meet her she sounds wounderfull. i have wached and lisioned, and larned things.

    i heard i twig snap and i was on my feet in a instent, i was prepard to run or fight i wasent prepard for what came out of the bushs.........."excuse me? what are you doing on our land?" i knew who it was yes of course i knew i had seen him before, he was dressed in what looked like a high school uniform, he had deep gray hair but no he was not old he was mabe 17?
    "i..i..i" i couldent beleave myself... i shoke my head to clear it. "im Ushana Sohma and i was hopeing to see my brother." damen i was going to lie but for some strange resion i couldent lie to him. "i am Yuki Sohma who is your brother?" crap i knew i wouldent be able to lie what do i say?........screw it...."Kyo is my brother i know you know him." a look of shok crossed Yukis hansom face. "really?" he said. i dident say anything i was afraid of what might come out. " Um why dont you come with me?" he asked offerng me his hand. i just looked at his hand a moment and then took it.... the mintut our skin touched it was like an electical shock had gone through us! i couldent breath for a what seemed like hours then he finely spoke, "hmmm that was interesting....." i look up and his face was very close to mine i could feel his breath on my forhead. i pulled away then not trusting myself. and then without a word we started walking,

    we came up out of the woods the surounded Shurgies house, the house was a desint looking house it was big with meny rooms, but it was quanit simple i liked it instently. Yuki led me to the back of the house where a yound girl was hanging lundry on a line. she had deep brown hair with blond highlights, Turou Honda, "Hello Yuki-Kun what have you got there?" she asked plesintly i like her insently, "i found her laying beneth the old willow i have to go talk to Kyo and Shurgie can you wach hes honda-san?" "yes of course leave her to me." with her anwser Yuki turned with a look at me and went into the house. Tohru turnd to me and asked me to sit down on the pourch. i felt very comfterable with her. 'so whats your name?" she asked.. "my name? Ushana Sohma." her hands flew up to cover her mouth and she jumped up and danced around like a little girl " A Sohma? really?! thats so wounderfull!!" then she sat down next to me agien and took my hands at this point i was starting to think she was crazy i had never in my life met some one who was exsited to meet a sohma..............

    To Be Continued
    i hope you guys like it if you do i will write more!