• tab All things failed as the sickness over came him. The aching hunger, and dire need to find that part of him which was lost.
    :tab biggrin oubled in pain and falling to his knees he cursed under his breath at the simplicity of his predicament. All he ever had to do was ask, and the curse would be lifeted and his children wouldn't have to live the life that he had led.
    tab But as he opened his eyes and his mouth his vision faded and the demon was released. In his place was a silver eyed fiery beast, it's muzzle too pronounced to be anything but canine. It's fangs which protruded from it's muzzle were long as the mortal archer's bow,it's great paws as wide as the midwife's cauldron and the flaming whip of a tail as long as the warriors' horses were tall.
    tab Although the demon's silver gaze was as if no one was there, inside that tremendous body was the young man -whom if you counted how many years he had lived, switching his mortal form for this one, would not be young at all-. His mind whirled, as if the great wind vortex had decided to lay camp right there behind those empty eyes.
    tab The beast howled mournfully and the flames that lapped his flesh burst forward to touch the trees and the grass under his paws. Below him, in the little town, he could hear individual children crying at the frightening sound, the husbands of the mothers gravely reassuring the children as well as their wives that Satan's Beast would not come near them for the garlic that was placed on the door frame and in front of every window could protect them from anything, and as they said this, their hearts pounded with worry and doubt.
    tab The town priest in his holy home, crossed himself three times and nodded to the alter boy who glanced toward the always open door, and slowly closed it.