• A little girl ran up to an old woman sitting in her rocking chair. She tugged on the hem of the woman's dress to get her attention as she was no taller than up to her knee. The old woman smiled and picked up the girl, setting her down in her lap. The red-headed girl giggled. The woman began to rock back and forth in the oak chair and stroked the child's hair. "Grandma. Tell me a story." The little girl requested.
    The grandmother looked down at her granddaughter and a small smile spread across her weary face. "Well, Aiko, what kind of story would you like me to tell?" She asked. Aiko scrunched up her face for a moment, mulling over her answer.
    "Oh! I know! Tell me a story about a rose." Aiko chirped. Even her bright blue eyes seemed to be smiling while she waited for her grandmother to respond.

    The elder woman thought for a moment. "A rose... Now let's see... I have one tale to tell but it is rather hard to understand. Alright, Aiko?" Aiko nodded furiously. Her red hair shook around her face, causing the grandmother to laugh. "Alright now. Listen carefully." She said and began her tale.

    "A long, long time ago there was a man who had fallen deeply in love with a queen. He would ask for her hand in marriage every day. But the queen would always refuse. Until, one day, she made a deal with the man... That if he could complete a journey that no other man had completed, or survived, and she would gladly accept his proposal.

    So the man set out on his quest with a fiery passion in his eyes. On his adventures he faced many perilous adventures... But none were strong enough to keep him from his beloved. During his journey he came across a beautiful rose garden. The man picked the most beautiful black rose he could find and would give it to her after he finished his adventures.

    After this man completed his journey, he gave the rose to the queen. However, as soon as she touched the rose blood began to pour out of her nose, eyes, and mouth... It was clear a curse had been cast on the rose. With this, the man picked up the rose and pierced his own heart with the sharp end of the rose, as he could not live without her... So the two lovers then died in each other's arms. And they stayed together forever."