Chapter 6
Boot Camp
I woke early in the morning. Got dress, and found my dad sitting on the couch. Today I would learn to become an assassin.
"Ready?" My father asked.
"Yeah, let's head out."
As we walked out of the door, I sinced my father staring at me. I took a glance, and found some regret and fear in his eyes. I could't tell what the two of those together meant. Maybe regret just because of his job putting me in such situation. Maybe it was only fear of my death that may come. Maybe it was both. Or even something deeper.
No one said a word on the way there. When we arrived, it was actually a facility. There were men training everywhere. There were even bunkers, it looked like and army training facility. The gates of the facility opened again, and a car came in, music loud, the bass bumping from loud rap music. Then I saw the two people who came out.
Steven and Maria.
"You can drive?!"
"We both can, you need to when you kill a man a need to get away. Or if you go as far as we do and rob a bank."
"I didn't even know you like rap."
"Yeah man, Maria hates." Then he began to speak in a whisper, "To be honest, I think she pretends to hate it, but really loves it."
"No I don't! I'm a rock n' roll girl."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah and a blah, blah, blah."
"I'll just let you two talk."
I heard them fusing as I walked to a bunker behind my dad. When we walked in, my father addressed himself, and me. The man in the chair was the leader. He had his own office. He had a hole bunker to himself. Anyways, my father told him why we were here, and what I wanted to do.
"Okay son. Since you are a high schooler, we will go easy on you in training, just like we did with Steven and Maria. You will also have private training. Go out to the lockers bunker, across from this bunker. Go to locker, 457. In there will be the training uniform. Then, when done, come out and meet your trainer.
I went to the bunker and it took forever for me to find the locker. The cloths was a tight white shirt, and cargoes. Finally boots, I even added a touch and put on some glasses. Making myself try to look cool. But here was not like high school, popularity didn't matter.
I walked outside and I saw my trainer. "Hello, are you Karion?" He asked.
"Yes, you must be my trainer."
"Yes that is correct son. You are lucky, if you were older, I would have made a smart remark at you. But I have to go easy on you, like I did with Steven and Maria. Anyways, let's head over to the track. Today we start off easy, you do five laps. You may want to know, that the track, is a mile long circle, so that's five miles your doing."
I knew this wouldn't be easy, so I didn't complain, I just followed and once there I ran. When I was done it took one hour. I must be really unfit. At least I'm not fat, I thought.
"Alright, that was pretty good timing for someone of your age and cardio level. Anyways two more tests and your done today. Next is push-ups."
The push-up room was a room, with pads on the floor, but, each pad had a buzzer.
"As you see, each of the push-up pads, has a buzzer. These buzzers, you will hit with your chin. I will give you three different measures of time, in each you must see how many times you can hit the buzzer, while doing a successful push-up. First time, one minute. And....GO!"
I took off as fast as I could, by by the middle I was slowing down, by the end it was very difficult to get myself up.
"Good, seventy-eight push-ups. Next time, one minute thirty seconds."
This time I started of slightly fast, but I began to go fast, because my body wanted to. By the end it was still hard for me to push-up.
'Excillant, fifty push-ups."
What?! I went down with extra time. That wasn't good, and he knew it.
"It's time for intermission, after that, the time is, two minutes."
I drunk two and a half bottles of water. I knew that this time I would go slow, then slighty fast, the fast, finally very fast. But I knew I wouldn't be able to do it. So then I got an idea. "Hey Mr. Trainer, sir, don't go easy on me. I'm not getting anything done like this. I don't want speacial treatment."
"Okay. Please sit and wait for my signal to go. And....GO!"
I started of slow, I was counting the time, and to my suprise I think the trainer knew my idea, so he helped out. "COME ON! THIRTY SECONDS AND YOU HAVEN"T SPED UP!" I was slighty fast. He still helped out thirty seconds later, "MOVE YOU WASTE. THIRTY SECONDS AND YOU STILL AT THIS SPEED, YOU SHOULD BE KILLED AND BURNED." I was moving fast. Now we were at the finally thirty seconds and I didn't need help, I was going very fast. "THERE YOU GO! YOU AREN'T SO WORTHLESS NOW!"
When push-ups were over, he granted me training day ending. I wouldn't have to do another exercise again. Not until next Saturday. But lots of stuff happened inbetween the time.
End of Chapter 6
The Alone Assassin 2
chapter 6. If anything in my story is wrong or there is something you like about it, comment, so that i can know how to fix it or thank you.
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