• Alec woke with a throbbing headache. It was cold, and there was a girl stood over him looking very cross.

    Wait, there was a girl stood over him.

    Uh Oh.

    "FINALLY AWAKE ARE YOU??? ONLY TOOK THE FOUR BLOWS TO THE HEAD TO WAKE YOU UP!" it hadn't been a dream...he was still here...and that was the reason for his headache at least... "NOW GET UP" there was another punch in the face from her and Alec made a pretty quick decision to climb up from his bed. "We're doing training today. It should've started 5 minutes ago, but SOMEBODY didn't want to wake up. Throw this armour on and get out!" Alice stalked out of the tent. Alec sighed, and pulled the armour on. It smelt of sweat and weighed half a ton. He was greeted by laughter from the other warriors when he walked out.
    "Bit heavy is it?"
    "Sure you're okay with that?"
    "Why don't you just go back to sleep?"
    "SHUT UP GUYS, WE NEED TO START THIS TRAINING" Alice yelled over the top of them. She was met by a dozen groans from the other warriors gathered around her. "We'll start off with some practice sparring, Mike you go with me, Lenny, you take the new kid. The rest of you pair up.GO!"

    One of the smaller warriors wandered over to him. He was still much bigger than Alec, his arms and chest were heavily built up and stood at least a foot taller than Alec. "Right new kid. Let's get this sorted, so I can have some real opposition." He settled into a combat stance, with his sword held in front of him in a practised way.

    It was then Alec realised he didn't have a sword. Or a shield. Damn was his only thought, as Lenny raised the sword and brought it down, right into his midriff. The force of the blow made him stagger back a few meters...onto the edge of the marsh. He released where he was standing in the final moments, as Lenny's sword swung towards him he tried to duck below it, but it caught him fully in the chest and he went flying towards the massive expanse of the marsh behind him.

    Only it wasn't a marsh.

    He flew straight through the ground and smacked against the hard ground underneath. His neck snapped like a twig under the foot of a giant, and his spine quickly followed suit. As the world faded away, his last memories were of his home, the home that seemed so far away now. He'd never see it again, his parents would never see him again.

    And as he thought of those things, Alec died.