• I couldn't believe what i was seeing. Hundreds, thousands, on the ground. Some breathing, some screaming, some in shock and some . . . dead.

    I remember the day onky somewhat, i remember the alerts, the red lights flashing the warning signs, but i just didn't listen. I couldn't believe it. And now, this. This horrible, horrible thing. All the death, all the suffering. It just wasn't possible. It was unreal. Totally unreal!

    Beep, Beep, BEEP. "Thank god!" I exclaimed, i jumped out of my bed and looked outside, no dead bodies, no suffering, yet.

    "Betty! Time for school!" "Coming Momma." I didn't want to think about the dream, i didn't want to think about what i had just dreamed i knew that things like that didn't just happen. But i also knew that i had a gift. And there was no escaping my gift, the dreams or reality.