• The bushes rustled gently in the soft night breeze as the killer stalked his prey. Like a fox hunting a lonely rabbit, he quietly followed John down to the edge of the woods. Perfect. No witnesses. The killer slid out his prized machete and crept behind his prey. 'Thunk' went Johns' arm as it hit the leafy floor. He screamed out in pain and spun around.
    "Why?!" He screamed at his killer. The killer only laughed maniacally and said
    "Because I know what you did." He giggled. 'Shwing' went the machete as it tore through johns torso like a bullet from a gun. Again, when the police arrived the next morning from an anonymous tip-off, they found the same sight, only gorier. John was hung up from a branch, decapitated, missing an arm and a leg, with a massive hole through his chest. Only this time, the note read: I getting closer...