Chapter 1

    ---- My father was a horse back riding legend. He rode the backs of many horses from the great stallions to the beautiful pentos (thoes where his favorites). I remember when he lifted me up from my bed and wrapped his arms around me as he carried me outside in the dim light from the pure, golden glow of the sun. Kissed my face every morning. I don't remember much of it but... i do know that it felt so good being in daddy's arms. I knew I was happy, far and distant from what i am now. I watched him in all his competitions he had. The strangest way of Bringing out the true power and understanding in a horse, mama called him the horse whisperer.
    Daddy Goverened the purity farm which our family lived, he own all kind of live stock and poultry, horses the most. He was very successful. 138,622 was how much the farm was worth, every single person that daddy won to had respect for him. It wasn't too often you'd see any horseman taking off their hat to a black rider... Daddy, was taunted by a man with big arms once. Said he'd trained horses for 29 years, Said he'd challenge my daddy. Most fearful man i ever seen. Daddy don't race horses for pleasure nor test others ability, never did, why should he start now. "No man should race a horse for the stubborness of his heart!" Said my daddy. ----

    She waken from her sleep in bed, her window was wide open , she assumed Fanta had come in her room last night. As she looked at the sky, she saw how high the sun was over her head. It wasn't the first time she over slept, Lyrica has been pulling weeds and planting crops since she was eleven and she was sick of it! Some times she wished she could sleep the rest of her life because it was the only way she could get any peace. " LYRICA, i need you in the kitchen pronto!" Said a voice from the other side of her door. " Ok, ma!" She didn't feel like doing anything her mother asked really, but she still came to assist her anyway.
    Lyrica walked in the small but well maintained kitchen to a burst of smells of eggs, biscuits, bacon, sausages, and grits. Only the table wasn't set, she began to add two glasses, two plates, and two sets of silver ware. Then she sat down at the table as her mother served their breakfast. She noticed her mother staring at her from the other side of the table curiously. She didn't bother ask why or look in her direction she was only focused on stuffing her face with delicious food.
    "You look more and more like your father everyday." Mother said. Lyrica looked up at her tensely holding back the pain of the words in her neck. She knew her mother was the sweetest hard working woman she ever knew in her life. But never were the best at saying the right things at the right time. Obviously, Lyrica knew her mother didn't mean any harm that the features of her face defined the man that she loved still exsisted but Lyrica didn't think any part of her body or anything that concerned her was special.
    "I don't want to go to school tomarrow." Lyrica said. Just too break the comment of her mother. "Baby, you have the skin of a dream and your eyes are brown diamonds. And your father never had a tight black long curls like yours, So baby why are you so unsure about yourself?". "MAMA PLEASE!!!" Lyrica yelped. There was a slight strike of pain that struck upon her mothers face, Lyrica knew she had almost set her fustration out on her mother. "Mama" Lyrica said with a sigh. "I'll just go and do my house work." Her mother said nothing else after that. But it wasn't over. She'd bring it up again...

    Next:>CHAPTER 2