• Macross
    The Frontiers Line

    In the last war of the Vajra war, people have finally found a new planet, it was a Vajra’s home planet, similar to Earth. They now live in peace. But one want to go back…. To see Earth itself….

    SDF Macross
    The Frontiers Line

    Meanwhile up the skies an F-14 flies up the sky over above he city of Frontier

    Pilot: this is Rumiko Sakura, flying above at 50k

    Radio: don’t boost that engine up

    Rumiko: roger….

    Radio: oh yeah and next we’ll get to try out the VF-1A!

    Rumiko: I’ll gladly try it….

    Radio: something bothering you?

    Rumiko: no….

    Radio: don’t worry, we’ll head to Earth in no time besides the Macoss will be fueled up in no time! Just wait you see!

    Rumiko: yeah….

    The SDF Macross……

    Rumiko: hm?

    Alto: this is the SMS security guard of Frontier, please land your craft immediately!

    Rumiko: no time, I’ll need to boost my engine in about five minutes, will I last? Engineer.Onimaru! I have four VF-25’s on my tail

    Onimaru: try to out run em, in five minutes you shouuld be able to boost it up

    Rumiko: got it….

    Onimaru: try not to wreak it, I want you back in one peace you hear?
    Rumiko: roger that..

    She turned off her radio

    Rumiko: guess I got no choice then

    She moves her thrusters a bit more

    Alto: so tahts how it is, right!

    Alto boosts up his thrusters and went after her

    Rumiko: now…

    She turned off her engine and ride up the waves and moves back as Alto passe her

    Ozma: hm… impressive..

    Rumiko: activating engine back on… firing…

    She fires on missle and the other

    Alto changes to Gerwalk mode and fires his gun at the missles

    Unfortunately there was another one which was fired from behind and came at Alto’s back

    Alto: GAH! What the?!

    Rumiko: firing at 12’o clock….

    She fired one at him

    Alto: AHH!!!!

    He fired all of his missles at her

    Rumiko: firing now

    She fired one missle and the other

    All of Altos missles came at the her few missles and exploded

    Alto: …

    Unfortunaetly she did a sneak attack and underneath him while firing all of her missles and firing her gun

    Alto: AHH!!!!

    Rumiko: AHHH!!!!

    Finally she escaped from them

    Alto: *huff*huff*

    Ozma: she escaped…..

    Meanwhile back at Macross HQ

    Rumiko: hey…

    Onimaru: glad to have you back, so how was it now?

    Rumiko: I’m impressed

    Onimaru: see, your skills are more badass now!

    Rumiko: heh… although where is the VF-1A?

    Onimaru: follow me…

    She followed him and finally at the hangar she saw the white and brown

    Rumiko: alright then…. When will I have a test run?

    Onimaru: tonight

    Rumiko: heh… alright then

    Onimaru: oh yeah the Captains still sleeping

    Rumiko: is that right? I wonder whats shes doing anyway?

    Onimaru: who knows

    Meanwhile at night time

    Onimaru: alright Rumiko, this thing is really fast in space and air, its equipped with a super booster, its nuclear core reactor is pretty strong, its walking speed is 100km and-

    Rumiko: I know Onimaru, I’ve piloted Valkyries before right?

    Onimaru: heh… I guess so… well anyways be safe now you hear?

    Rumiko: right..

    She flew off at the skies

    Rumiko: alright….

    She boosts up her Valkyrie and heads into the city

    Rumiko: heh…

    She dodges the towers and such and flew around the city

    Rumiko: alright lets see some real action!

    She transforms into Gerwalk mode and Battleroid and moves around like crazy and then she flips around her Valkyrie

    Rumiko: haha! This is brilliant!

    SMS: this is SMS security of Frontier! Stop your valkyrie!

    Rumiko: *sigh* SMS forces… alrighty then! I’ll show you how the VF-1A is made of! Come on you VF-25’s!

    She transforms to Gerwalk mode

    SMS: why you?! Fire missles!

    The missles came at her as she fires her vulcan gun

    Rumiko: target confirmed!

    She transforms to battleroid mode

    Rumiko: core reactor and transformation completed!

    She fires her vulcan gun at the missles and finally they stopped

    SMS: one Valkyrie unit can do that?!

    2nd SMS: amazing! its unit is a VF-1A!

    Rumiko: heh….

    Suddenly an unknown valkyrie came by

    Rumiko: nani?

    Its valkyrie was a SV-51

    Pilot: hm….

    Rumiko: an SV-51?

    It destroyed both piltos

    Rumiko: amazing….

    Pilot: ….

    It flew off

    Rumiko: wait a minute!

    She chased after her

    Rumiko: I heard about the SV-51 that Onimaru told me about, it was one of the first valkyries, then the UN Organization stole there plans and transformation systems to make Valkyries…. That’s when war started to outrage….

    Pilot: an VF-1A… hm… a 2nd generation Valkyrie… the first to go out of space…. Interesting… I’ll have fun with you then..

    She boosts up her thrusters as Rumiko did

    Rumiko: I won’t let you escape!

    She fires her missles at her

    Then she transforms to battleroid mode and fires all her missles and started firing missles back at her

    Rumiko: AHH!!!!

    She transforms to Gerwalk mode and fires back

    She then transforms to battleroid mode

    Pilot: your very skilled…. My name is Kuru Liza….

    Rumiko: and my name is Rumiko Sakura, pilot of the VF-1A of the SDF Macross….

    Kuru: Macross huh? Trying to go to Earth?

    Rumiko: how do you-

    Kuru: that’s what we’re trying to do….

    Rumiko: …

    Kuru: join us… and we will seek freedom and peace to Earth…

    Rumiko: sorry but I’m not interested

    Kuru: then die…

    They fired there vulcan guns at each other as Rumiko twisted and flipped around the air, the firing kept on going as they did

    Rumiko: AHH!!!

    Kuru: KAHH!!!!

    Rumiko: what the?! SMS forces?!

    Kuru: damn!

    Rumiko: well this sucks..

    Kuru: lets meet again some day….

    Rumiko: I’ll be waiting..

    They both escaped back to there headquaters

    Meanwhile there

    Rumiko: ahh…

    Onimaru: what happened?

    Rumiko: I got engaged with the SMS forces, and even so… an SV-51 pilot…

    Onimaru: what?!

    Rumiko: its true….

    Onimaru: well don’t worry Rumiko, tomorrow will be our biggest day

    Rumiko: whats that?

    Onimaru: the launch of Macross of course! We’re going to Earth!

    Rumiko: your not seriouse are you?!

    Onimaru: oh yeah!

    Rumiko: Earth…. Our home planet….

    Onimaru: come on! Get some rest! Cause tomorrow is gonna be a big day!

    Rumiko: right!

    Heh…. On that day I was surprised….

    The next morning

    Rumiko: ahh….

    Onimaru: hurry up! Hurry up! You’ll miss it!

    Rumiko: yeah give me a sec!

    Captain: ahh… mornign already? Hm… very well… start all engines up

    Operator: all systems connected

    2nd Operator: fuel all fueled up

    3rd Operator: Nuclear Reactor Core functional

    Rumiko: prepare for launch!

    Onimaru: alright the macross is launching! I think your ready to go Rumikio! Launch your valkyrie!

    Rumiko: right! Meet you at the skies!

    Onimaru: been there, done that!

    Rumiko: hm… anyways see ya!

    Rumiko Sakura launching!

    Operator: Rumiko Sakura confirmed!

    Rumiko: WOOHOO!!!

    Meanwhile at SMS headquaters

    Operator: what the hell?! Unidentify object launching from the surface!

    Captain: what?!

    Operator: its…. Big!

    Rumiko: its time to go to Earth!

    Suddenly another object came, it was big shaped like an alien ship, but it was actually the size of macross….

    Kuru: heh… your not the only one…

    Rumiko: Kuru…

    Kuru: its time to end this!

    Operator: Captain1 another huge object is coming towards us!

    Captain: fire at will!

    Rumiko: AHH!!!!

    Kuru: KAHH!!!!

    They fired there weopons at each other duzzling around like angels and birds

    Operator: another one is coming towards out way! It’s the Macross Frontier!

    Captain: WHAT?!

    SMS Operator: orders sir?

    SMS Captain: engage….

    Rumiko: what?! In such a time like this! Goddamn it!

    Kuru: *sigh*

    SV Operator: what shall we do Captain?

    Captain: keep firing…

    Kuru: AHH!!!

    Rumiko: AHH!!!!

    They fired there missles and vulcan guns at each other as they twist and hurl at each other

    Alto: NGAH!!!!

    He fires his missle pods at tem off

    Rumiko: WHY YOU?!


    Rumiko: stay out of this!!!!!

    Alto: AHH!!!!

    Operator: more enemies coming onto our way!

    2nd Operator: the Macross Frontiers macross cannon will be firing in five minutes!

    Captain: we won’t make it in time to break in out of space! What about space fold?

    Operator: space fold takes a bit of time

    Captain: damn!

    Rumiko: what the whats this? The Frontiers cannon… oh no…

    Kuru: nani?!

    Rumiko: I can’t let them do this…

    She turned her valkyrie around and speeded up at the macross cannon

    Kuru: hey wait a minute!

    SMS Operator: firing macross canon in two minutes
    2nd SMS Operator: nani?

    Captain: wahts that?!

    Rumiko: AHH!!!!

    She fired the vulcan gun and missles at everything as she passes through


    She speeded up at Macross Frontier

    SMS Operator: one minute till Macross Cannon fires

    Rumiko: AHHH!!!!!!

    She transforms to vocaloid mode and fires her missles at it and transforms to Battleroid mode

    Rumiko: EAT THIS!

    She fired all of her weopons at it and including her vulcan gun and lasers from her head

    Rumiko: AHH!!!!!!


    SMS Operator: the macross cannon stopped!

    Captain: …..

    Rumiko: *huff*huff*

    Alto: WHY YOU!

    Rumiko: ah crap!

    He fired her super pack boosters as she ejected them and landed on the macross hand on Gerwalk mode

    Alto: AHH!!!!

    She hurled and flipped over with her Gerwalk valkyrie mode and so did Alto did as they slide around the macross platform

    Radio: space fold will be commencing in a minute!
    Kuru: roger!

    Captain: activate Space Fold, tell Rumiko to come back

    Operator: Rumiko come back at once! We will be folding!

    Rumiko: roger that!

    She flew off in her valkyrie mode as they go through space warp

    Kuru: such a waste…

    They also went through space warp

    Alto: DAMN IT!

    Meanwhile out of space

    Rumiko: …..

    Captain: ….

    Operators: …

    Engineer: so… finally.. we’re going to Earth….

    Rumiko: phew…. I’m tired….

    She placed her plane in auto-pilot as they travel to Earth

    Rumiko: we’re going to… Earth at last….

    Captain: set this ship to auto-pilot to Earth, I think we all deserve a rest….

    Operator: got it

    Captain: oh and Haiku good work

    Haiku: thank you Captain

    Captain: we’ll propably need more pilots….

    To be continued

    Next space fold: Story of the ancient ship