Okay, please comment this is part of my Fanfiction so it maybe a little strange.
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I laid on what passed for my bed, my arm around the dozing boy. I nuzzeled my nose in his soft hair and breathed in his sweet scent. We were drenched when we had arrived back at camp, the others insisted I go to sleep, I didn't want to at the time, but now with how tierd I felt. I was glad I had. I looked down at Querl, his face peaceful as he curled up in my side, golden strands laid gently across his angelic face. I smilled. God only knew how much I loved him. Well I beter get some sleep now, the others will moan that I hogged the bedroom for no reason.
I kneeled in my hidding place, the thick canopy and grass hidding the thin trip wire, my plan was simple. Aqua would run down here (Probabaly screaming) being chased by Sibearea (My white tiger) , trip over the wire and fall into a ditch of slime covered with twigs.
I'm not ussualy mean, but he totaly deserved this. After yesterdays show (embarasing for me) of inviting me to a party then whilst stripping, removed the curtain, everyone saw saw me shirtless, bending over a** in the air, thank god I had pants on. The pictures all over the internet now, I don't want to even show my face in purblic now.
"AHHHH!!!!!" A terified scream came from down the garden path "Help! Sister! Whirly Girly! Evil TIGER ATTACKING ME!!" Aqua ran past me, vest and shorts on bare foot, I gigled just as his foot came in contact with the rope, he tumbeled forward looking like an angel. The twigs gave way beneath him, he fell foward and I felt guilty for doing this, Squelch! I ran foward looking down the hole, Aqua was spalled there, covered in goo. Sighing I waited for him to notice me (Which was reletively short) He looked up at me, a grin split across his features.
"Wow, that was AWESOME! You've got to teach me how to do that!" Siberea rubbed against my side I looked at her stroking her soft fur before feeding her a treart then leaned back over the ditch.
"Sorry Aqua, I'm so sorry, I Sorry, sorry sorry sorrysorry!" Wailed leaning to far over the ditch, the earth gave way, I tumbled forward and fell, screamed. I landing on Aqua he laughed at me whipping away my tears.
"Hey, its okay, actualy I thought it was quite funny actualy." He laughed again running his hand through my soft hair, I rested against him liking the fact I was trapped in a deep hole filled with goo with Aqua.
My whole body was unbearably sore when I awoke, my head was spinning so fast and my arms felt like lead. I couldn't understand what had happened. I remebered Superman leaving me alone, the dark man taking me then the sensation of falling. I lifted my head, my vision was foggy and I felt unaturaly warm. Opening my eyes again I could make out purple and green. Purple and Green? Oh that makes me feel fuzy. I like it! The thing shifted, putting something around my waist. Okay, time to go fuzy feeling, your making me act wierd.
"Querl? You awake?" Huh, the thing was asking me a question and knew my name. Strange... Blinking my vision cleared, the Thing in front of me, lying with a warm around me was Aqua. s**t!
"Aqua? Where am I?" I asked looking round, we were laying on a small bed make of leafs and cotton, the roof was a silk sheet covered with leafs and surounded by rocks. I sat up, well tried to, but the pain became worse, I groaned slumping back down into his arms.
"Were, well at HQ, kind of. Do you want anything to eat?" He asked sitting up, I imedently missed his warm pressence and whimpered. He layed back down, feeling my head. "Its okay I won't leave." He whispered kising my head.
"Aqua, I lawe you!" Urgh that came out wrong, Aqua looked at me sadly shaking him head. "I lo-" I was cut of as he pressed his lips to mine, wrapping his arms rond my waist.
"To late I worked it out!" He exclaimed punching the air hapily, I just looked at him dazed, to shocked to speak "Sorry, I got it wrong, didn't I" I had no idea how to react, he had got it dead on and now, now he was regreting it. I grabbed his top, pulled him closer and pressed my lips to his, he tasted sweet, like straberrys and marshmellows. I pulled away and rested my head on his chest. "You really think you got it wrong?" I asked sexily masaging his back, he shook his head hugging me back.
"I love you so much!" He said nuzzling his face in my neck.

Comments (1 Comments)
- Sakura Rolonoa - 05/17/2010
It's quite good!!!
And the descriptions are great too!!
5 pointe!! smile - Report As Spam