• It was at school 7:45AM mrs.zambrano (my most hated teacher) told us to put our phones on a computer desk right next to hers. I remember the exact words she said before that as if it were yesterday that she said them. The words she said were"leave your phones on my desk dont worry i wont touch them and ill look over them for you" I knew that those were lies but i left it there anyway. Then all of a sudden comes a voice on the intercome for me to go to the conslers office for a test. While i was thinking more about the test i noticed somthing when i got to the conslers office wait i said i think im forgeting something. While taking the test i was also trying to find out what i frogot when at the middle of the test i got it i frogot my phone at mrs zambranos class. For the rest of my test i was sitting in the conslers office knowing that it was my fault i was worried that someone stole my phone. When i was done with the test like at 11:00 i knew that someone had to have stolen it but i tried checking mrs.zambranos class anyway . And the results that i knew would happen happend they stole my phone. During lunch i went to mrs garias class to play cards then my friend gabby came and told me mrs.zambrano wanted me so i went and it was about my phone. Mrs. zambrano told me to call my mom so i did and mom disconeted my phone. As for the rest of the story im to tired to right it sad