• Immortal Bound

    The sun slowly began to set in the distance, giving way for the darkness of the night to set in.
    Nanika held her breath, as the sun set, her bright red eyes catching the final glint of light before the sun was thrust beyond the hanging edge of the town.
    A deep, frightening voice broke the eerie silence, and snapped Nanika out of her trance. “Why do you wait for nightfall? It’s not as though we are bound to darkness.”
    Still staring out of the window, she smiled. “Reeth, you’re back…” She sighed and slowly turned to face the bulky, dark man. “I don’t ‘wait’ for nightfall, I simply enjoy the sunset… that’s all.”
    She glanced up at Reeth, as his booming laughter filled the room. “You enjoy the sunset?” He howled. After calming himself, he grabbed his glass and slowly lifted it up into the air. “You are an odd one, aren’t you? Loored was right to change you…”
    Nanika gave an emotionless expression, flinching slightly at the recollection of the grim experience. “Yes… I’m quite thankful for that…” She muttered.
    Reeth smiled slyly as he pressed the glass against his lips, his red eyes identical to that of the color of the wine. “You should be.” He sipped the drink and placed the glass back onto the table in a slow, gentle movement.
    “I’m heading out,” Nanika spoke as she stepped up to the open window, “I’ll be back around sunrise.”
    “If you sense a Lycan-“
    “I know; Run.” She smiled over her shoulder, and then quickly leapt from the window, the wind, catching her open jacket, and throwing it behind her as she fell through the cold, bitter air. The ground came quickly, but as she grew near, her body began to slow, and she ultimately landed on the ground, light, like a feather, white wisps of air circling around her narrow body.
    Immediately, as she hit the ground, a familiar nausea overcame her… something, a Lycan, was near.
    As mortal enemies, the two races had a natural ability to sense each other, and a natural attraction to each other, though each hated the other, so. Nanika hesitated a moment, before breaking under superior will, and darting forward.

    The park was empty, and the only street light around, flickered in the dark. The wind slowly began to grow stronger, catching Nanika’s long, black hair and blowing it into a wild dance.
    It was definitely here, the Lycan. Nanika could barely stand the nagging waves of nausea, which were coursing through her body, and as she stood in the empty park, the feelings only continued to grow.
    She spun around at the rustling of leaves, as a large dog slowly emerged from the bushes. Its eyes were a cold gray, and it had streaks of blonde lining its white back. On its limbs, and around its eyes were black tattoos, each similar, yet each different in their own ways.
    Nanika was shocked; she had known Lycan’s to be disgusting, cruel monsters, with cold, dark eyes, yet this one seemed, in its own way, beautiful.
    At first, all it continued to do was growl, in a low, muffled tone, but he slowly stopped, and like Nanika, he simply stared. After a long while, the wolf’s body began to change; He slowly thinned out, and the fur on his body began to vanish. After a few moments, all that stood was a young man, two ears poking out of the top of his head. His eyes remained a cool, gentle, gray, and the blonde streaks became his short, ruffled hair.
    “So… this is a Lycan…” Nanika muttered to herself. She noticed the tattoos, now stretched across his bare chest, and smiled slightly at the sight. “He’s kind of-“
    “Hot,” The man spoke over her whispers, “You’re kind of hot…” He slowly walked closer to Nanika, eying her as he approached.
    “Is that so?” Nanika took a few steps back, and tried to cover her blushes.
    He frowned and looked into Nanika’s eyes. “But… you’re a…”
    “Vampire,” she finished, “I’m a vampire… Is that a problem?”
    “I’m not sure, yet… You know, I kill your kind.” He took another step forward.
    “So?” Nanika’s breath grew heavier. “Kill me, then.”
    “Yeah, you heard me; No.”
    Nanika glared at him for a moment.
    The man’s gaze shifted. “Hobo.”
    “What did you just call me?” Nanika glared into his eyes, ready to strike at any minute.
    He backed away quickly shaking his head. “N-no! Not you…” He pointed to a spot behind Nanika, and smiled an apologetic smile. “Him.”
    Behind Nanika was a short, hunched over old man, crawling forward. In his hand was an open bottle of beer, and in the other, a used pack of cigarettes.
    She sighed and turned to face the man again, yet was greeted by the abandoned park familiar scene of the abandoned park.
    “Sorry… I don’t fancy vampires,” Came his gentle voice from the trees.
    “Don’t apologize… I’m not one for your kind, either.”
    Nanika sensed his appearance behind her, but continued to stare into the trees.
    “Hey, what’s your name?” He whispered into her ear.
    “Why? You’d never remember.”
    “Not true; I’d never forget such a pretty face, even if it’s tainted with the blood of a vampire.”
    Nanika cringed a little. “My name? Nanika.”
    “Nanika… I like it.” He disappeared into the trees, once again, right as a large gust of wind blew Nanika’s hair aside.
    She spun around and called to him. “Wait! What’s your name?”
    He appeared before her, one hand in his pocket, the other dangling at his side, and an extremely calm expression on his handsome face. “Drizzel.” And he vanished, this time, for good.
    “Drizzel…”A smile crept up onto her face as she flashed away in a blur of colors and mist.

    Nanika appeared in her room, once again, staring out of the window.”Why is it that no one seems to understand the concept of privacy, in this house?” She asked to the man that sat behind her, her voice filled with a serious monotone.
    “Forgive me,” Came his formal, calm voice, “I sensed that you were troubled…”
    “I’m fine.”
    “I suppose… but, may I ask why you’ve returned? It’s quite early in the night, and you usually prowl for hours. This is quite unlike you.”
    Nanika sighed and bowed her head slightly. “I don’t follow a specific schedule… I do what I want, when I want… that’s all.”
    “Is it really?”
    “Doubtful… That smell…”
    Nanika froze and held her breath with an eerie anticipation. “What smell?”
    “You know… did you two fight?”
    “I don’t smell blood.”
    “He escaped.”
    “I was referring to your blood.”
    “Do you think so little of me?” She rested her forehead on the glass, and stared down into the distant lights of the nearest village. “He couldn’t harm me.”
    “Don’t lie… you and I both know-“
    Nanika spun around and stared into the dark blue eyes. “Both know what?” She asked slowly, with an obviously angered expression.
    “I was simply explaining that you’re still young… your abilities aren’t at their peak yet. You know that.”
    “Honestly, if you think I’m so helpless, then why did you turn me? Eh, Loored?”Nanika turned back around to look out of the window.
    Loored bowed his head and sighed. “I simply did. Forgive me… Sleep well, my dear.”
    Nanika fought back some tears as his presence vanished and flashed to the bed, where she laid with her face burrowed into a pillow. “What have I done?”
    End of Part 1
    Wait up for Part 2!