• Chapter 4

    AFTER A GREAT MOVIE TIME, I HEADED OVER TO THE Wharf to catch the bus. Anthony gave me four dollars for the bus and some soda. This is where my story truly begins. Well, not now, but… Oh! You get the point!
    I stopped at ABC Store to get that soda before heading to the bus stop. I looked at my watch. “Oh, no! I’m gonna miss the bus!” I exclaimed. I chugged my soda and ran for the bus. As I was about to run to the elevator, I heard a noise in the stairwell. I decided to investigate. It turned out to be the most impacting decision of my young life.
    I heard voices; one sounded angry while the other scared to death.
    “Where is it, Archibald!?” someone growled.
    “I-I don’t have it! I told you that. Someone took it, I swear!” a hoarse, trembling voice replied. I guessed that was Archibald.
    I peered around the corner to see a large man slam another, much smaller, guy into the wall. “Don’t f*** with me! Where’d you put it! I know you hid the stone!” My eyes widened. Did I just walk into a drug deal gone wrong?
    The small man cowered with his hands in front of his face. He looked no older than me, which worried me. What was a kid like that doing with a scary man like that? “I-I-I swear! I d-don’t have it!” I was about to stand and say something when the kid talked again. “Why do you need it anyway? You aren’t an aura.” Aura? What was that?
    “Hey!” The large man slammed him against the wall again. “I ask the questions alright! You know about it! You must know where it is!” He was growling while shaking all over. “Give it to me!” His voice seemed to be getting more and more grating by the minute. Whereas, the kid trembled as much as the big guy, but he was whimpering. I wanted to get up and help him, but my legs seemed to be glued to the floor. I had never been frozen with fear before this moment.
    “P-please believe me! I d-don’t have it!”
    Believe him! Believe him! I cried in my head.
    The man stopped for a second and looked around. I ducked before he could see me, I hoped. “It’s too late for that, Archie. You must pay for your treachery.” This part is shocking. The large man shifted into a wolf.
    This set Archibald over the edge. “N-N-N-NO!” But it was too late. The wolf took his claws and slit his throat. I started to scream, but covered my mouth. I ducked down again, tears flowing down my face.
    Blood ran across my feet. The smell made me cry harder. A shadow fell across me. I looked up in time to see the wolf. “Well, well. What have we here?” He looked at me closely. Realization crossed his face. “Lydia Calais! Wow. It’s like killing two birds with one stone! Only, it’s killing two immortals with one wolf!” Even if I wasn’t scared, that still would’ve been lame.
    “Wh-What?” I stuttered.
    “Folks still haven’t told you, huh?” The wolf laughed, “Well! That’s better for me! You’ll be as easy to take care of as your little friend over there.”
    I looked over at Archibald, who was just hanging on by a thread. He mouthed one word to me: “Run.”
    My eyes went wide. This seemed familiar somehow, like a dream I had. I looked up at the wolf. He opened his wide jaws and pounced. I curled up against the wall. This was the end. I would never see my friends and family again…