• tab tab She sat in the rain as it poured down hard enough to slightly reduce a person's vision. She sat on a mound of dirt that, with the rain, was now becoming mud. Her jeans, that were being destroyed by water and mud, were not designer jeans, not that it would matter. Her family was to poor to afford them. In fact, the house behind her was just a small, little pull-away house big enough for 3 people even though her's held 6.
    tab Today was her favorite kind of day. Rain made her feel at peace, like calm music or laying in the sun. It was a warm kind of rain and it seemed to block the sounds of life out. It was peaceful.
    tab The rain had formed a current that ran along the sides of the mound, like a moat. After a while the small trickle had become a flowing miniriver. She was dressed as she would be for school: a flowered top and matching clip to look pretty and to make people believe she was as happy as she dressed. But to tell the truth she was messed up.
    tab She felt beautiful most of the time becasue, well, she was. But the rest of the time she was worried about what bothered her most: what other people thought. She was scared from the thoughts of others, not that they really cared. As she sat in the rain now, she came up with a plan. A plan to carry on. She would not let the world know how she hurt. How she cried in the night.
    tab She looked out in front of her to the field of soy and to the mysterious woods that lay beyond it. She stay like that, lost in her thoughts, for a while. Time stood still. Then, as the rain finally let up, as if it had rained to cause her revolusion in her heart, She toke her clip with the purple flower in it. and layed it in the flowing water around the mound. And she watched as the water carried it off to places unknown.
    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ~I wish you all a calm, loving life~