• "You don't just go wandering around pissing off night elves! What the hell were you thinking?!" his voice was irritated.
    I knew who it was the moment he saved my a**. I sighed and looked up at my older brother, Demetri. "I thought I could take her."
    He froze in front of me. "You thought you could take on the last night elf in existence? You thought you could take the night elf trained by Zaiden all by yourself?"
    I could of sworn he was about to hit me.
    "I didn't know until tonight who Zaiden was." I said not bothering to look at him.
    "If it weren't for Zaeda distracting Zaiden we wouldn't of gotten Zaiden himself!" Demetri yelled. "Look at me when i talk to you, Daemon!"

    [[To be continued...]]